• Institution Building

    MOF supports organizations in establishing educational and supportive institutions. Quality infrastructure is vital to realize the nation’s dream of education for each and every child/youth.

  • School Support Projects

    To empower the next generation to achieve their full potential, MOF supports schools to create an enriching learning environment. These facilities ensure enhanced learning, balanced growth and development.

  • Student Enrichment Programs

    Along with academic excellence, it is important that the students receive guidance for their future and have role models to follow. With this in view MOF organizes career counseling and motivational sessions for students.

  • Disaster Response

    On our planet, disasters unfortunately occur with distressing frequency. The events usually create havoc in the impacted areas. During such events MOF believes in partnering with experts to extend the helping hand.

  • Employee Volunteering

    Volunteering is an enriching experience for both the volunteers and the beneficiaries. It is a way to express our gratitude and also a medium to contribute towards the growth of the society. MOF encourages associates to contribute their time and skills through various volunteering programs.

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