In its press release numbered 47/2020, SEBI has invited applications from eligible candidates to join the panel as Securities Market Trainers (SMARTs). SMARTs will play a key role in enhancing SEBI’s Investor Education activities.
What are SMARTs expected to do?
- SMARTs are expected to conduct Investor Awareness Programs for both existing and prospective investors in the securities markets.
- These programmes will explore topics related to the basics of the securities markets, rights and responsibilities of investors, understanding the risks and rewards involved while investing in the market, grievance redressal mechanisms, and more.
- Such programs are to be conducted in vernacular languages along with English and Hindi.
- Individual SMARTs are to conduct these programmes in their respective districts, so investors in Tier II and Tier III cities also get the benefit of this initiative.
What are the eligibility criteria to apply for being empanelled as SMARTs?
- Applicants can be individuals or organizations working in fields related to law, commerce, management, economics, and financial markets education.
- Organizations can be trusts, societies, companies or partnership firms.
- Individual applicants must have a graduate degree with 50% marks, along with 5 years of experience of either working or teaching in any of the fields mentioned above.
- In organizations that apply, at least one member of the governing body must have a graduate degree with 50% marks and 5 years of experience of either working or teaching in any of the specified fields.
Other provisions related to this program
- SMARTs will be reimbursed for the expenses incurred by them for conducting Investor Awareness Programs, subject to prescribed limits.
- The details regarding selection criteria, application form, guidelines, etc. are available on the SEBI website, SEBI Investor website and NISM website.
- The last date for application is October 16, 2020.
- All investor awareness programs undertaken by SEBI are free of cost for the participants and the cost for these programs is met from SEBI’s Investor Protections and Education Fund.