Trade with an exclusive feature on Option Strategy Builder

Strategies to trade in F&O and Currency Derivatives

Instant Strategy execution
Execute perfect strategies to limit risks

Save your strategy
Save your existing strategies for future reference

Pre-build strategies
Access expert build strategies in a click on the go

Set target-price and stop-loss
with enhanced force entry & exit feature for perfect trades

Multi-part trade
Support up to 4 Leg Strategy creation

Index & equity F&O strategy builder
Trade in index and equity F&O with expert pre-defined and custom strategies

Margin insights
Get accurate and detailed information on pre-trade and post-trade margins

Key Characteristics to Build Your Trading Strategies


Real-Time MTM and P&L

Trailing stop loss

Real-time data

Spread-based execution

Ease of use

Easily save and edit
complex strategies effortlessly

Smart strategy grid

Useful in all market trends