26-Jul-2023 | D | D P Wires Limited has informed the Exchange that Board of Directors at its meeting held on July 26, 2023, recommended Final Dividend of 1.20 per equity share.
| 22-Sep-2023 | |
23-May-2022 | D | D P Wires Limited has informed the Exchange that Board of Directors at its meeting held on 23-May-2022, declared Dividend of Rs. 1 per equity share.
D P Wires Limited has informed the Exchange that Record date for the purpose of Dividend is 22 September 2022
D P Wires Limited has informed the Exchange that Register of Members & Share Transfer Books of the Company will remain closed from 23-Sep-2022 to 30-Sep-2022 for the purpose of OT.
(As Per NSE Announcement Dated on 05.09.2022)
| 21-Sep-2022 | |
31-Oct-2023 | B | 1:7 Bonus Issues of Equity Shares
Trading Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that, D.P. WIRES LIMITED has fixed Record Date for the purpose of Bonus Issue of Equity Shares of the Company. The transactions in the Equity Shares of the Company would be on an Ex-Bonus basis with effect from the under mentioned date :-
Issue of 1 (One) Bonus Equity Share of Rs.10/- each for every 7 (Seven) existing Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each held.
Ex-Bonus basis from Date & Sett. No.
08/11/2023 DR-650/2023-2024
(As Per BSE Notice Dated on 07.11.2023) | 08-Nov-2023 | 1:7 |
08-Feb-2025 | BC | To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended December 31, 2024 and other business matters | 14-Feb-2025 | |
06-Nov-2024 | BC | D.P. Wires Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 14/11/2024 inter alia to consider and approve D P WIRES has informed BSE that the meeting of t | 14-Nov-2024 | |
04-Sep-2024 | BC | D P Wires Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Board meeting held on September 04, 2024.for the approval of 26th AGM date time and Venue and Notice of the AGM
D P Wires Limited has informe | 30-Sep-2024 | |
30-Aug-2024 | BC | To consider other approve 26th Annual Board Report and AGM date TIme and venue and business matters
D P Wires Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Board meeting held on September 04, 2024. | 04-Sep-2024 | |
08-Aug-2024 | BC | D.P. Wires Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 14/08/2024 inter alia to consider and approve To Consider Unaudited Standalone And Consolidate | 14-Aug-2024 | |
Announcement Date26-Jul-2023
Ex Dividend Date22-Sep-2023
Announcement Date23-May-2022
Ex Dividend Date21-Sep-2022
Record Date08-Nov-2023
Ex-Bonus Date08-Nov-2023
No Split has been declared by DPWIRES
RightsNo Rights has been declared by DPWIRES
Book Closure
14-Feb-2025 | - | To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended December 31, 2024 and other business matters |
14-Nov-2024 | - | D.P. Wires Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 14/11/2024 inter alia to consider and approve D P WIRES has informed BSE that the meeting of t |
30-Sep-2024 | - | D P Wires Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Board meeting held on September 04, 2024.for the approval of 26th AGM date time and Venue and Notice of the AGM
D P Wires Limited has informe |
04-Sep-2024 | - | To consider other approve 26th Annual Board Report and AGM date TIme and venue and business matters
D P Wires Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Board meeting held on September 04, 2024. |
14-Aug-2024 | - | D.P. Wires Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 14/08/2024 inter alia to consider and approve To Consider Unaudited Standalone And Consolidate |