01-Feb-2024 | D | Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter and nine months ended 31.12.2023 | 13-Feb-2024 | |
23-May-2023 | D | The Board of Directors in its meeting held on 24th May, 2023 has inter-alia:- 2. Recommendation of Dividend: Pursuant to Regulations 30(2) read with Schedule III Part A Para A (4) (a) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the Board of Directors have recommended payment of dividend at Rs. 5/- (Rupees Five Only) per equity share of the face value of Rs. 10/- each for the financial year ended 31st March, 2023 and the same to be approved by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 25th September, 2023. | 18-Sep-2023 | |
18-May-2022 | D | Pursuant to Regulations 30(2) read with Schedule III Part A Para A (4) (a) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the Board of Directors have recommended payment of dividend at Rs. 4/- (Rupees Four Only) per equity share of the face value of Rs. 10/- each for the financial year ended 31.03.2022 and the same to be approved by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 22ndSeptember, 2022. | 13-Sep-2022 | |
25-Jun-2021 | D | DIVIDEND DECLARED AT 30% | 14-Sep-2021 | |
30-Jun-2020 | D | Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on June 30, 2020, inter alia, have recommended for the approval of the shareholders for the payment of dividend at Rs. 6/- (Rupees Six Only) per equity share of the face value of Rs. 10/- each for the financial year ended March 31, 2020. | 09-Sep-2020 | |
28-May-2019 | D | Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its Meeting held on May 28, 2019, inter alia, have recommended for the approval of the shareholders for the payment of dividend at Rs. 7.50/- (Rupees Seven and Paise Fifty Only) per equity share of the face value of Rs. 10/- each for the financial year ended March 31, 2019. | 11-Sep-2019 | |
30-May-2018 | D | Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 30, 2018, inter alia, has recommended a dividend of Rs. 5.00/- per equity share of Rs. 10/- each for the year ended March 31, 2018, subject to approval of the members of the ensuing Annual General Meeting. | 11-Sep-2018 | |
29-May-2017 | D | Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 29, 2017, inter alia, recommended a dividend of Rs. 7.50/- per equity share of Rs. 10/- each for the year ended March 31, 2017, subject to the approval of the members of the ensuing Annual General Meeting. | 11-Sep-2017 | |
27-May-2016 | D | Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 27, 2016, inter alia, has recommended a dividend of Rs. 7.50/- per equity share of Rs. 10/- each for the year ended March 31, 2016, subject to approval of the members of the ensuing Annual General Meeting. | 20-Sep-2016 | |
28-May-2015 | D | Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 28, 2015, inter alia, have recommended a dividend of Rs. 6/- per share on the face value of Rs. 10/- for the financial year 2014-15. | 10-Sep-2015 | |
29-May-2014 | D | Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 29, 2014, inter alia, have recommended a dividend of Rs. 6/- per share on the face value of Rs. 10/- for the financial year 2013-2014. | 03-Sep-2014 | |
27-May-2013 | D | Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 27, 2013, inter alia, have recommended a Dividend of Rs. 5/- per share on the face value of Rs. 10/- for the financial year 2012-13. | 06-Sep-2013 | |
07-Jun-2012 | D | Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 29, 2012, inter alia, have declared to pay the dividend of 50% (Rs. 5.00 per share) to the shareholders. | 12-Sep-2012 | |
27-May-2011 | D | Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 27, 2011, inter alia, have recommended a dividend of Rs. 5/- per share on the face value of Rs. 10/- for the financial year 2010-11. | 06-Sep-2011 | |
26-May-2010 | D | Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 25, 2010, inter alia, has recommended a dividend of Rs. 4.50 per share on the face value of Rs. 10/- for the financial year 2009-10. | 27-Aug-2010 | |
28-May-2009 | D | Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Ltd (TNPL) has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 27, 2009, inter alia, has recommended a dividend of Rs 4.50 per share on the face value of Rs 10/- for the financial year 2008-09. | 28-Aug-2009 | |
29-May-2008 | D | Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Ltd (TNPL) has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 29, 2008, inter alia, has recommended the final dividend of 25% for the financial year 2007-08. Along with Interim Dividend of 20% already paid, the total dividend for the year is 45%. | 14-Aug-2008 | |
27-Oct-2007 | D | Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Ltd (TNPL) has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on October 27, 2007, inter alia, has declared interim dividend of 20% for the financial year 2007-08.
Further the Company has informed that, November 13, 2007 has been fixed as the Record Date for the purpose of payment of interim dividend. | 12-Nov-2007 | |
03-Jun-2007 | D | Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Ltd (TNPL) has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on June 02, 2007, inter alia, has recommended the final dividend of 25% for the financial year 2006-07. Alongwith Interim Dividend of 15% already paid the total dividend for the year is 40%. | 22-Aug-2007 | |
09-May-2006 | D | 15% Final Dividend | 16-Aug-2006 | |
13-Oct-2006 | D | 15% Interim Dividend | 31-Oct-2005 | |
26-May-2005 | D | 27.5% Divdend | 10-Aug-2005 | |
31-Jan-2025 | BC | TAMIL NADU NEWSPRINT & PAPERS LTD.has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 13/02/2025 inter alia to consider and approve Unaudited Financial Results | 13-Feb-2025 | |
30-Oct-2024 | BC | TAMIL NADU NEWSPRINT & PAPERS LTD.has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 13/11/2024 inter alia to consider and approve Standalone Unaudited Financi | 13-Nov-2024 | |
24-May-2024 | BC | Outcome of the Board Meeting held on 24.05.2024 | 27-Sep-2024 | |
24-May-2024 | BC | Outcome of the Board Meeting held on 24.05.2024 | 21-Sep-2024 | |
28-Jun-2024 | BC | 10% Final Dividend | 20-Sep-2024 | |