03-May-2024 | D | PFA herewith the Audited Financial Results for the year ended 31/03/2024 together with the Independent Auditors Report.
the Board recommended payment of Dividend of Rs. 6.75 per equity share of Re.1/- (previous year Rs. 10/- per equity share comprising of Normal Dividend of Rs. 5/- per equity share and a Special Dividend of Rs.5/- per equity share) aggregating to Rs. 12,37,75,499/-(Previous Year Rs. 18,33,71,110/-) on 1,83,37,111 equity share of Re.1/- each | 24-Jul-2024 | |
04-May-2023 | D | Please attached herewith the statement of Audited Financial Results for the FY 31/03/2023 along with audited statement of assets and liabilities and cash flow statement as at 31/03/2023.
the Board recommended payment of Total Dividend of Rs. 10/- per equity share of Re.1/- comprising of Normal Dividend of Rs.5/- per equity share and a Special Dividend of Rs.5/- per equity share (previous year Rs. 10/- per equity share comprising of Normal Dividend of Rs. 5/- per equity share and a Special Dividend of Rs.5/- per equity share) aggregating to Rs. 18,33,71,110/- (Previous Year Rs. 18,33,71,110) on 1,83,37,111 equity share of Re.1/- each | 26-Jul-2023 | |
04-May-2023 | D | Please attached herewith the statement of Audited Financial Results for the FY 31/03/2023 along with audited statement of assets and liabilities and cash flow statement as at 31/03/2023.
the Board recommended payment of Total Dividend of Rs. 10/- per equity share of Re.1/- comprising of Normal Dividend of Rs.5/- per equity share and a Special Dividend of Rs.5/- per equity share (previous year Rs. 10/- per equity share comprising of Normal Dividend of Rs. 5/- per equity share and a Special Dividend of Rs.5/- per equity share) aggregating to Rs. 18,33,71,110/- (Previous Year Rs. 18,33,71,110) on 1,83,37,111 equity share of Re.1/- each | 26-Jul-2023 | |
16-May-2022 | D | Vinyl Chemicals (India) Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 16, 2022, inter alia, has recommended payment of Total Dividend of Rs. 10 per equity share of Re.1 comprising of Normal Dividend of Rs. 5 per equity share (previous year Rs. 3.75 per equity share) and a Special Dividend of Rs. 5 per equity share aggregating to Rs. 18,33,71,110 (Previous Year Rs. 6,87,64,166) on 1,83,37,111 equity share of Re.1 each. | 29-Jul-2022 | |
16-May-2022 | D | Vinyl Chemicals (India) Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 16, 2022, inter alia, has recommended payment of Total Dividend of Rs. 10 per equity share of Re.1 comprising of Normal Dividend of Rs. 5 per equity share (previous year Rs. 3.75 per equity share) and a Special Dividend of Rs. 5 per equity share aggregating to Rs. 18,33,71,110 (Previous Year Rs. 6,87,64,166) on 1,83,37,111 equity share of Re.1 each. | 29-Jul-2022 | |
10-May-2021 | D | Vinyl Chemicals (India) Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 10, 2021, inter alia, has recommended payment of dividend of Rs.3.75 per equity share of Re.1 each (Previous Year Rs. 2.40 per share) amounting to Rs. 6,87,64,166/- (Previous Year Rs. 4,40,09,066/-) on 1,83,37,111 equity shares of Re.1 each, Subject to the approval of the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). | 04-Aug-2021 | |
15-Jun-2020 | D | Vinyl Chemicals (India) Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on June 15, 2020, inter alia, has recommended payment of dividend of Rs. 2.40 per equity share of Re. 1 each (Previous Year Rs. 2.40 per share) amounting to Rs. 4,40,09,066 (Previous Year Rs. 4,40,09,066) on 1,83,37,111 equity shares of Re. 1 each. | 31-Aug-2020 | |
13-May-2019 | D | Vinyl Chemicals (India) Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 13, 2019, inter alia, has recommended payment of dividend of Rs. 2.40 per equity share of Re.1 each (Previous Year Rs. 2.40 per share) amounting to Rs. 4,40,09,066 (Previous Year Rs. 4,40,09,066) on 1,83,37,111 equity shares of Re.1 each, subject to the approval of the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). | 26-Jul-2019 | |
23-May-2018 | D | Vinyl Chemicals (India) Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 23, 2018, inter alia, have recommended payment of dividend of Rs. 2.40 per equity share of Re.1 each (previous year Rs.1.80 per share) amounting to Rs. 4,40,09,066 (previous year Rs. 3,30,06,800) on 1,83,37,111 equity shares of Re.1 each.
Subject to the approval of the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). | 16-Aug-2018 | |
17-May-2017 | D | Vinyl Chemicals (India) Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company was held on May 17, 2017, inter alia, out of Current Year's profit, the Directors recommended payment of dividend of Rs. 1.80 per equity share of Re. 1 each (previous year Rs. 1.50 per share) amounting to Rs. 3,30,06,800 (previous year Rs. 2,75,05,666) on 1,83,37,111 equity shares of Re. 1 each.
Subject to the approval of the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting, the above dividend will be paid to those shareholders whose names appear in the Register of Members of the Company on the date of AGM. | 16-Aug-2017 | |
18-May-2016 | D | Vinyl Chemicals (India) Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 18, 2016, inter alia, subject to the approval of the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting, the Board has recommended payment of dividend of Rs. 1.5 per Equity Share of Rs. 1/- each for the financial year 2015-16. | 16-Aug-2016 | |
18-May-2015 | D | Vinyl Chemicals (India) Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 18, 2015, inter alia, subject to the approval of Shareholders at the Annual General Meeting, the Board has recommended payment of dividend of Rs. 1.50 per Equity Share of Rs. 1/- each for the financial year 2014-15. | 14-Aug-2015 | |
19-May-2014 | D | Vinyl Chemicals (India) Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 19, 2014, inter alia, has recommended payment of dividend of Re.1 per equity share of Re.1 each (previous year Re. 0.80 per share) amounting to Rs.1,83,37,111 (previous year Rs. 1,46,69,689) on 1,83,37,111 equity shares of Re.1 each. | 08-Sep-2014 | |
24-May-2013 | D | Vinyl Chemicals (India) Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 24, 2013, inter alia, has recommended payment of dividend of Re. 0.80 per equity share of Re. 1 each (previous year Re. 0.60 per share) amounting to Rs. 1,46,69,689 (previous year Rs. 1,10,02,267) on 1,83,37,111 equity shares of Re. 1 each. | 10-Jul-2013 | |
23-May-2012 | D | Vinyl Chemicals (India) Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 23, 2012, inter alia, recommended payment of dividend of Re. 0.60 per equity share of Re. 1 each (previous year Re. 0.50 per share including Silver Jubilee Special Dividend of Re. 0.25 per share) amounting to Rs. 1,10,02,267 (previous year Rs. 91,68,556) on 1,83,37,111 equity shares of Rs. 1 each.
Subject to the approval of the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting, the above dividend will be paid to the shareholders on or after August 01, 2012. | 10-Jul-2012 | |
13-May-2011 | D | Vinyl Chemicals (India) Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 13, 2011, inter alia, has recommended the payment of a total dividend of Re. 0.50 per equity share of Re.1 each (including Silver Jubilee Special Dividend of Re. 0.25 per share) ( previous year Re. 0.11 per share) amounting to Rs. 91,68,556 (previous year Rs. 20,17,082) on 1,83,37,111 equity shares of Re. 1 each.
Subject to the approval of the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), the above dividend will be paid to shareholders within a period of 30 days after July 28, 2011 (i.e. the date of AGM). | 12-Jul-2011 | |
13-May-2011 | D | Vinyl Chemicals (India) Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 13, 2011, inter alia, has recommended the payment of a total dividend of Re. 0.50 per equity share of Re.1 each (including Silver Jubilee Special Dividend of Re. 0.25 per share) ( previous year Re. 0.11 per share) amounting to Rs. 91,68,556 (previous year Rs. 20,17,082) on 1,83,37,111 equity shares of Re. 1 each.
Subject to the approval of the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), the above dividend will be paid to shareholders within a period of 30 days after July 28, 2011 (i.e. the date of AGM). | 12-Jul-2011 | |
25-May-2010 | D | Vinyl Chemicals (India) Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 25, 2010, inter alia, recommended payment of Dividend of Re. 0.11 per Equity Share of Re. 1/- each for the financial year 2009-10, subject to the approval of the Shareholders at the Annual General Meeting. | 23-Jul-2010 | |
20-Dec-2024 | BC | VINYL CHEMICALS (INDIA) LTD.has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 17/01/2025 inter alia to consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results (P | 17-Jan-2025 | |
21-Oct-2024 | BC | Pursuant to Regulation 30 of SEBI LODR, please note retirement of Shri Mahendra Gayatonde CFO w.e.f 30th October, 2024 and Compliance Officer Mr. K.s. Krishnan w.e.f 30th October, 2024
Appointmen | 04-Nov-2024 | |
21-Oct-2024 | BC | Pursuant to Regulation 30 of SEBI LODR, please note retirement of Shri Mahendra Gayatonde CFO w.e.f 30th October, 2024 and Compliance Officer Mr. K.s. Krishnan w.e.f 30th October, 2024
Please fin | 30-Oct-2024 | |
19-Sep-2024 | BC | PFA herewith the letter regarding the intimation of Board Meeting which will be held on 21/10/2024.
PFA herewith the Statement of Unaudited Financial Results for the second quarter and half year | 21-Oct-2024 | |
11-Jul-2024 | BC | Pursuant Regulation 34(1) of SEBI (LODR), attaching herewith copy of Notice of forthcoming 38th AGM to be held on 8th August, 2024 by VC/OAVM
38th AGM of the Company was held on 8th August, 2024 a | 08-Aug-2024 | |