Predicting the future stock price of any company, including DLF, is not an exact science and is subject to various market forces and factors that can impact the stock price.
While it's not possible to accurately predict the future stock price of DLF or any other company, investors can use various tools and techniques to analyse the company's financials, market trends, and other relevant factors to make informed investment decisions.
Investing in stocks, like any other investment, involves a certain amount of risk. To mitigate the risks associated with stock investing, it's important to do your own research, analyse the company's financials, and keep up-to-date with market trends. It is also important to ensure that your personal financial goals and plans are aligned with your investments.
The current market value (or market capitalization) of DLF is approximately Rs. 94,779 crores. The current per stock price of DLF is Rs. 382.9 as on closing of 6th April 2023.
Yes, as on 6th April, the debt-to-equity ratio is 0.13, and the company has a long term debt of around Rs. 2200 crores.
It is difficult to predict the future stock price for any company, as the stock price of any company is governed by several internal and external factors.
Buying or selling shares of any company is directly linked to your personal financial security, plans and goals.
However, before buying or selling any stock as an investor consider using various tools and techniques available to analyse the company's financials, market trends, and other relevant factors to make informed decisions.