As on 7th April, Dr Reddy’s Lab stock price has risen by 31.15% over the past 3 years.
Investing in stocks, like any other capital investment, involves a certain amount of risk. To mitigate the risks, it's important to research, get professionals' help, and keep up-to-date with market trends.
For the quarter of Dec 2022, the EPS of Dr Reddy’s Labs was Rs. 74.7/ Share.
The major stockholders of Dr Reddy’s Labs are:
As on 7th April, Dr Reddy’s Labs has given an ROI of 8.53% over the past 12 months.
There are several key parameters that investors may consider when evaluating whether to invest in Dr Reddy's Laboratories Ltd. :
Dr Reddy’s total standalone revenues have steadily grown over the past five years from Rs. 9563.3 crores in March 2018 to Rs. 14887.2 crores in March 2022. And the net profit increased from Rs. 566.9 crores to Rs. 1623.2 crores for the same period.