Endurance Technologies typically announces its dividend payout after the end of each financial year, subject to approval by the company's board of directors and shareholders. Endurance Technologies may declare its dividend for the fiscal year 2022-2023 sometime between April and May.
Endurance Technologies has consistently given quarterly profit, the profit after tax for the quarter Dec 2022 was Rs. 108 crores. Investors must evaluate their investment objectives and strategies to determine whether a particular stock is a good investment opportunity for them.
The current market value (or market capitalization) of Endurance Technologies is approximately INR 17,881 crores at the current per-stock price of Endurance Technologies is Rs. 1271.2 as on closing of 6th April 2023.
Buying or selling shares of any company is directly linked to your personal financial situation, goals and plans. Nonetheless, before buying or selling stock, investors may consider using various tools/techniques available to research a company.
As on April 2023, The dividend yield of Endurance Technologies is 0.49%.
As on April 2023, Endurance Technologies has given a negative return of -4.99% over the past five years, and a positive return of 5.21% over the past year.