The current stock price of Escorts Kubota is Rs. 1982.70 as on closing of 17th April 2023 on BSE.
Escorts Kubota net sales have increased from Rs. 6262.02 crores in March 2019 to Rs.7238.43 crores in March 2022. Net profit has increased from Rs. 479.86 crores in March 2019 to Rs. 764.96 crores in March 2022.
It's important to understand financial statements, industry trends, and other relevant factors of any company before making investment decisions.
However, like any investment, investing in Escorts Kubota stocks has a certain degree of risk. Investments are also linked to your personal financial health and goals.
The current market value (or market capitalization) of Escorts Kubota is approximately Rs. 26.17K crores as on 17th April 2023.
Escorts Kubota has a debt of Rs. 48.7 crores.
Escorts Kubota is a joint venture between Escorts Limited, an Indian engineering company, and Kubota Corporation, a Japanese machinery manufacturer. The joint venture focuses on the manufacturing and distribution of high-quality tractors and agricultural equipment in India and other countries.
While evaluating Escorts Kubota as a potential investment opportunity, you may want to consider factors such as the company's financial performance, competitive position within the industry, growth potential, management team, and any regulatory or legal risks. This should be considered along with your personal financial targets/aims.
Escorts Kubota has given a positive return of 28.57% in the past 1 year, and positive returns of 187.55% in the past 3 years.
Buying or selling stocks or a specific stock is akin to any other investments that you hold. It has to align with your personal financial needs and long-term goals.