ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd

ICICIGI01 Nov 2024
-1.10 (-0.06%)
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To Invest in ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd
ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd
ICICIGI01 Nov 2024
-1.10 (-0.06%)

ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd - Share Price & Details

Traded Volume
Market Cap(Cr)
Avg Traded Price
1 Year return
Upper Circuit
Lower Circuit
P/B Ratio
Traded Value(Cr)
Book value

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How to buy ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd shares on nse?

To buy ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd shares in Motilal Oswal, you just need to open a demat account and get your KYC documents verified

What is the ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd share price today?

The ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd shares price on nse is Rs.1918 today.

What is the market cap of ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd shares on BSE ?

The company has a market capitalization of Rs.94901.23Cr

What is the PE & PB ratio of ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd shares ?

PE is 42.65 and PB is 6.97

What is the 52 Week High and Low of ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd shares?

ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd stock price high: Rs.2285.85 ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd stock price low: Rs.1336.35

How much dividend does ICICI Lombard give?

The last interim dividend that ICICI Lombard gave was at Rs. 4.5/share and was issued in October 2022. The last final dividend was issued at Rs. 5.00/share and was issued in July 2022. 

How can I sell ICICI Lombard stocks?

You can sell ICICI Lombard stocks by signing up with a reputed broker like Motilal Oswal. You have to open a demat account and store your shares in this account. The demat account is linked with a trading account and upon a request to sell shares, your broker will do the needful. The proceeds of the sale will be deposited in your linked bank account. 

What is the ROI of ICICI Lombard stocks?

The ROI of ICICI Lombard stocks is -16.69% for one year, and -5.72% for three years (18 April 2023). 

Can I buy ICICI Lombard shares now?

You can buy ICICI Lombard shares at any time. All you require is a demat account with a reputed broker like Motilal Oswal. You will also have to open a linked trading account. After placing a buy order with your broker, your shares will be bought and placed in your demat account. 

How has the ICICI Lombard stock price performed last year?

In the last year, the stock of ICICI Lombard has given returns in the negative at -16.69%, with YTD returns at -13.58% (18 April 2023). 

What is the trending volume of ICICI Lombard stocks?

The trading volume of ICICI Lombard stocks is 9,03,000. 

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