Kaveri Seed Company Ltd

KSCL05 Nov 2024
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To Invest in Kaveri Seed Company Ltd
Kaveri Seed Company Ltd
KSCL05 Nov 2024
-10.95 (-1.17%)

Kaveri Seed Company Ltd - Share Price & Details

Traded Volume
Market Cap(Cr)
Avg Traded Price
1 Year return
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P/B Ratio
Traded Value(Cr)
Book value

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How to buy Kaveri Seed Company Ltd shares on nse?

To buy Kaveri Seed Company Ltd shares in Motilal Oswal, you just need to open a demat account and get your KYC documents verified

What is the Kaveri Seed Company Ltd share price today?

The Kaveri Seed Company Ltd shares price on nse is Rs.927.5 today.

What is the market cap of Kaveri Seed Company Ltd shares on BSE ?

The company has a market capitalization of Rs.4770.97Cr

What is the PE & PB ratio of Kaveri Seed Company Ltd shares ?

PE is 15.49 and PB is 3.87

What is the 52 Week High and Low of Kaveri Seed Company Ltd shares?

Kaveri Seed Company Ltd stock price high: Rs.1200.7 Kaveri Seed Company Ltd stock price low: Rs.581

What can be the future price of Kaveri Seed Co. stocks on BSE?

The current stock price of Kaveri Seed Company is Rs. 515.10 (20 April, 2023). 

The future stock price depends on a number of factors and these may drive investor behaviour. While investing, investors must remember to invest considering their own needs and financial goals in mind besides other external variables like the performance of the company and other conditions in the markets.


Is it safe to buy Kaveri Seed Co.?

Deciding whether a stock is safe or not rests on many variables, both internal and external. Variables like market conditions, performance of the company whose stock is on the market, domestic conditions and geopolitical events all have bearing on the price of a stock and whether a stock may prove to be stable or not. 

Given this, the Kaveri Seed Company has given returns on its stocks for 1 year, at -15.56%, and for 3 years at +37.40%.


What is the current market value per stock of Kaveri Seed Co.?

The current stock price of Kaveri Seed Company is Rs. 515.10 (20 April, 2023). 

Does Kaveri Seed Co. have any debts?

The Kaveri Seed Company has a debt of Rs. 0.85 crores. 

Will Kaveri Seed Co. stock price increase?

The current stock price of Kaveri Seed Company is 515.10 (20 April 2023).

The increase in the price of a stock depends on various factors which may change any time. These factors could make stock prices rise or fall, depending on conditions in the market, domestic and economic conditions, news and announcements, demand and supply, company performance and other crucial factors.


Should I buy or sell Kaveri Seed Co.?

The Kaveri Seed Company has given returns on its stocks for 1 year, at -15.56%, and for 3 years at +37.40%. The company has a net profit of Rs. 217.4 crores in March 2019 and a net profit of Rs. 212.8 crores.

Determining whether to buy or sell stocks is entirely based on various factors like market conditions, the performance of the stock and the company, market sentiment, conditions in the economy and other variables like news and announcements to do with the stock in question. Such variables can make stock prices rise or fall and drive investor behaviour.


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