Mangalore Refinery And Petrochemicals Ltd

MRPL08 Nov 2024
-5.65 (-3.40%)
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To Invest in Mangalore Refinery And Petrochemicals Ltd
Mangalore Refinery And Petrochemicals Ltd
MRPL08 Nov 2024
-5.65 (-3.40%)

Mangalore Refinery And Petrochemicals Ltd - Share Price & Details

Traded Volume
Market Cap(Cr)
Avg Traded Price
1 Year return
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P/B Ratio
Traded Value(Cr)
Book value

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How to buy Mangalore Refinery And Petrochemicals Ltd shares on nse?

To buy Mangalore Refinery And Petrochemicals Ltd shares in Motilal Oswal, you just need to open a demat account and get your KYC documents verified

What is the Mangalore Refinery And Petrochemicals Ltd share price today?

The Mangalore Refinery And Petrochemicals Ltd shares price on nse is Rs.160.65 today.

What is the market cap of Mangalore Refinery And Petrochemicals Ltd shares on BSE ?

The company has a market capitalization of Rs.28155.52Cr

What is the PE & PB ratio of Mangalore Refinery And Petrochemicals Ltd shares ?

PE is 30.83 and PB is 2.29

What is the 52 Week High and Low of Mangalore Refinery And Petrochemicals Ltd shares?

Mangalore Refinery And Petrochemicals Ltd stock price high: Rs.289.25 Mangalore Refinery And Petrochemicals Ltd stock price low: Rs.111.4

How do I invest in MRPL shares?

You can invest in MRPL shares by buying the shares through a reliable broker like Motilal Oswal. After you sign up with the broker, you can open a demat account. This will be linked to a trading account and your bank account. Then, you can place a buy order with your broker to buy the shares. The shares bought will be deposited in your demat account, held there electronically. 

What will be the future of MRPL shares?

MRPL, or the Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited, is a public sector oil refinery company in India. The company, involved in the business of refining crude oil, also manufactures a variety of petroleum products like diesel, petrol, aviation fuel, LPG and others.

The future performance of MRPL shares is influenced by several factors like the company's financial performance, macroeconomic factors, market conditions, and industry trends.

Nonetheless, the company has given a positive return of +53.68% on its shares for the last 3 years as on 22 April 2023. 

What are the factors that influence the share price of MRPL?

Share prices of MRPL may be influenced by a range of factors, some of which are mentioned below: 

  • Demand and supply (global and domestic)
  • Geopolitical events
  • Economic conditions within India
  • The company’s financial performance
  • Market trends and market conditions

What is the long-term growth potential of MRPL? 

MRPL has given a positive return of +53.68% on its shares for the last 3 years, as of 23 April 2023. 

The long-term growth potential of any company, including MRPL, may be dependent on various factors such as: 

  • Rising demand for oil with rising population
  • Government policies and initiatives to boost oil production
  • Innovation and improvement of products
  • Competition from major players in the oil and gas industry
  • Global demand
  • Advances in technology and adoption of technology in oil production and distribution

What is the upcoming dividend for MRPL shares?

The last dividend for MRPL shares was paid in May 2019. This was a final dividend payment for that year. So far, no further dividend payment has been announced. 

How often are dividends paid on MRPL shares?

From 2007 to 2012, dividends were paid annually. Then, from 2017 to 2019 dividends were paid annually. From 2013 to 2016, no dividends were paid.