The price of Poonawalla Fincorp on NSE is currently 315.05 (24 April 2023, 4:08 PM).
Whether a stock is safe to buy or not should be based on many factors like the financials of the company, the competition, the position of the company in the industry, macroeconomic factors and more.
Given that, the net sales of Poonawalla Fincorp stood at Rs. 2004.39 crores in March 2022 and the net profit stood at Rs. 373.91 crores in March 2022.
The current price (per share) of Poonawalla Fincorp shares is 315.05 (24 April 2023, 4:08 PM).
As on 25th April 2023, Poonawalla Fincorp has a debt of Rs. 12,440 crores.
As on 25th April 2023, the ROI on Poonawalla Fincorp stock is 1580.53% over 3 years.
Deciding whether share prices will increase or decrease depends on many factors like macroeconomic factors, the company’s performance, trends in the industry, the competition and other factors that impact stock prices frequently, besides on a long-term basis
The net sales of Poonawalla Fincorp stood at Rs. 2004.39 crores in March 2022 and the net profit stood at Rs. 373.91 crores in March 2022.
Given this, any stock’s movement is dependent on numerous factors which potentially include: