Bad debt is basically the case where borrower fails to repay the money back to the creditor on the agreed terms. Bad debt also can be the one in which cost of debt recovery is more than the repayment amount.
Balance of Payments is the summarization of a country's transaction with rest of the world. It can be terms of goods, services & Income. Balance of payments is also known as balance of International Payments
Balanced funds are basically a type of Mutual Funds that combines a component of stocks as well as a component of the Money Market. The proportion of majority or equal in some cases varies from fund to fund.
Balanced funds are also known as Balanced Schemes
Bank Rate is the interest rate that a central bank of a country charges to the commercial bank for lending loans and advances. Bank Rate is also known as discount rate in American English and the name varies from country to country
Base metals are those metals which are available in abundance and thus are cheaper than the precious metals. Base metals include metals like Aluminum, Copper, Tin , Zinc & Lead.
Bearer stocks are the physical shares and thus provide ownership to the person having physical certificate. The issuing firm neither registers the owner of the stock nor transfers the ownership of the same. Company issues the dividends to the person who presents the physical coupon of the same.
Bearish view for a particular security signifies that there shall be a downwards movement in its prices and the investor seeks to get profit from the price differential opportunity in the time frame.
Beta is generally used to determine the volatility of the investment. Beta greater than one indicates that the investment is more volatile than the markets whereas vice versa also holds true
Bid-ask spread is the price differential between the bid and ask price of a security. It is essentially how much a buyer is willing to pay and at how much seller is willing to sell
The price at which a person is ready to sell their investments is known as bid price
Block deal is a trade that has a value of minimum Rs.5 crores or a volume of minimum 5 lakh equity shares. It generally happens between the two institutional players
A blue chip company is known to sell high quality goods and services. These companies are trusted most for the kind of security that comes with them against the market risks and the volatility
A board lot stands for the standard no of shares defined by a stock exchange to be traded as a single stock. This is done so as to facilitate easy trading by removing the odd units
Bond is a type of fixed income security. In bonds an investor provides money to the bond issuer as a loan in return for a variable or fixed interest rate.
A bonus is an additional compensation given to the employee in lieu of achieving some goals or as commitment to the organization.
Book building process is a process of generating, discovering and recording investor demands for the shares during an Initial Public Offering(IPO)
Book runner is the main underwriter for any equity, debt or hybrid securities for a company.
Borrowed capital are the funds that are available to any company by external or internal source. All liability items which are not represented under equity are known as the borrowed capital
A broker is an individual/ company that acts as an agent for a person to persuade any business.
BSE stands for Bombay Stock Exchange and is an Indian Stock Exchange located at Dalal Street, Mumbai. It is claimed to be Asia's first stock Exchange.
Bulk deals are the deals which include trading of 0.5 % of the company's shares in single or multiple transactions in anytime in Trading hours
Bullish view over any stock indicates that investor is hoping that the prices of the stock will increase in near future and client tries taking the advantage of price differential over the period of movement.