Adani Energy Solutions Ltd

Power Generation & Distribution
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To Invest in Adani Energy Solutions Ltd
Adani Energy Solutions Ltd
Power Generation & Distribution
-28.05 (-2.91%)

Adani Energy Solutions Ltd - Share Price & Details

Traded Volume
Market Cap(Cr)
Avg Traded Price
1 Year return
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P/B Ratio
Traded Value(Cr)
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How to buy Adani Energy Solutions Ltd shares on nse?

To buy Adani Energy Solutions Ltd shares in Motilal Oswal, you just need to open a demat account and get your KYC documents verified

What is the Adani Energy Solutions Ltd share price today?

The Adani Energy Solutions Ltd shares price on nse is Rs.935.75 today.

What is the market cap of Adani Energy Solutions Ltd shares on BSE ?

The company has a market capitalization of Rs.112410.02Cr

What is the PE & PB ratio of Adani Energy Solutions Ltd shares ?

PE is 252.91 and PB is 5.81

What is the 52 Week High and Low of Adani Energy Solutions Ltd shares?

Adani Energy Solutions Ltd stock price high: Rs.1347.9 Adani Energy Solutions Ltd stock price low: Rs.712.3

What are the major businesses of Adani Transmission Ltd?

Adani Transmission Ltd is one of the businesses that are a part of the Adani Group of Companies. This is one of the large and main power transmission businesses in India. It deals with the transmission of electricity, building global-standard electric lines across the western and northern parts of India. 

How has Adani Transmission Ltd performed in the past year in terms of share price?

In terms of its share price, Adani Transmission Ltd has performed remarkably well with intraday gains and long-term success. The share price as far as long-term gains go (3-year) has returned 414.23% against the NIFTY 100 (which itself gave returns of just above 90% of returns). The returns of Adani shares, if held for the long term, prove to be very lucrative for investors, with prices moving up almost 3% along trading sessions. 


 What is the dividend yield of Adani Transmission Ltd?

The dividend yield of Adani Transmission Ltd is 0. 


What is the debt-to-equity ratio of Adani Transmission Ltd?

The debt-to-equity ratio of Adani Transmission Ltd is 3.03. 


How has Adani Transmission Ltd performed compared to its competitors in the industry?

Adani Transmission Ltd is way ahead of the competition in the industry of power transmission, in terms of share price and market capitalisation. The last realised share price was at the Rs. 1,000 or more mark with competitors like Tata Power, Power Grid Corp and others near the Rs. 200 mark. 

. Does Adani Transmission Ltd pay a dividend?

Adani Transmission Ltd does pay a dividend which is paid only once every financial year.

 What is the long-term growth potential of Adani Transmission Ltd?

The long-term growth potential of Adani Transmission Ltd is promising with a stock price prognosis for 2008 at around Rs. 6,000 or more. This means that the company is on a growth path, which may be rapid. With strong fundamentals, this is a winning stock.