Asian Paints has one of the highest touchpoints. It is undoubtedly considered among the best, if not the best, paint companies to invest in for the long term. The largest producer of paints in India and at the top globally, this paint giant may be considered by investors.
The EPS of Asian Paints stock is at Rs. 32.68.
The major stockholders of Asian Paints are:
As on April 2023, Asian Paints stocks has given an absolute return of over 50% since last 3 years..
MACD AND RSI are both considered momentum indicators and are used to indicate the performance of Asian Paints. The MACD is a metric measuring the relationship between two EMAs. The RSI measures price changes related to recent highs and lows in price. The MACD of Asian Paints shows that the stock is lower than the line of the signal. However, there have been dips in the past with rises to follow.
The growth of Asian Paints as a company has been impressive. The company’s market capitalization has surged at a forceful CAGR of 28.0% from 1 April 2002 from 2,125 crore to a huge 295,428 crore on 31 March 2022. The company is expanding its operations each year with new innovations.