Godrej Consumer stock has shown a 1-year return of +22.41%, and a 3-year return of +76.36%. Predicting the future stock price of a company is not a science as stock prices are subject to different forces of the market and factors that may be unpredictable and which affect stock prices.
Although it is not possible to precisely predict the future stock price of Godrej Consumer, investors have various tools and techniques at their disposal, to evaluate any company’s financial performance, trends of the market, and other relevant factors to make informed decisions when it comes to investment.
You can buy Godrej Consumer shares by signing up with a proficient broker such as Motilal Oswal. You will have to open a demat and trading account. Then, you can place a buy order to buy shares with your broker.
You can find the stock price history for Godrej Consumer if you visit the portal of Motilal Oswal Research 360. All you need to do is enter the name of the stock in the search bar and a page will be displayed to show you the price history of the stock.
Today, the shares of Godrej Consumer opened at Rs. 975 on the BSE (18 April 2023).
The dividend yield of Godrej Consumer is 0.00.