Info Edge (India) Ltd

NAUKRI01 Nov 2024
E-Commerce/App based Aggregator
+37.30 (+0.50%)
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To Invest in Info Edge (India) Ltd
Info Edge (India) Ltd
E-Commerce/App based Aggregator
NAUKRI01 Nov 2024
+37.30 (+0.50%)

Info Edge (India) Ltd - Share Price & Details

Traded Volume
Market Cap(Cr)
Avg Traded Price
1 Year return
Upper Circuit
Lower Circuit
P/B Ratio
Traded Value(Cr)
Book value

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How to buy Info Edge (India) Ltd shares on nse?

To buy Info Edge (India) Ltd shares in Motilal Oswal, you just need to open a demat account and get your KYC documents verified

What is the Info Edge (India) Ltd share price today?

The Info Edge (India) Ltd shares price on nse is Rs.7472.7 today.

What is the market cap of Info Edge (India) Ltd shares on BSE ?

The company has a market capitalization of Rs.96834.33Cr

What is the PE & PB ratio of Info Edge (India) Ltd shares ?

PE is 110.27 and PB is 3.8

What is the 52 Week High and Low of Info Edge (India) Ltd shares?

Info Edge (India) Ltd stock price high: Rs.8463 Info Edge (India) Ltd stock price low: Rs.4079.8

Is Infoedge an effective investment?

Info Edge is a leading Indian company which is engaged in internet operations that runs various online businesses like job portals, education websites, matrimonial portals and real estate platforms. 

Investors can gauge whether investing in this company is effective by studying the company’s financials, performance, historical data and other trends affecting its performance. 

Info Edge’s stock has a 52-week high of Rs. 4864.60, and a 52-week low of Rs. 3308.20. 


What is the EPS of Info Edge shares?

The EPS (Earnings per share) of Info Edge shares is Rs. 39.94. 

Who are the major stockholders of Info Edge shares?

The major stockholders of Info Edge shares are: 

  • Promoters - 38.05%
  • FIIs - 31.88%
  • Public - 12.69%
  • Mutual Funds - 10.27%
  • Other Institutions - 6.91%

What is the ROI of Info Edge shares?

Info Edge shares have given a positive return of +47.81% for the past 3 years, and -22.56% over the past 1 year.

What are the primary indicators used to evaluate Info Edge?

Info Edge is a publicly listed Indian company operating online businesses, like the real estate portal, the job search portal, the matrimonial website, and the education platform The primary indicators possibly used to evaluate Info Edge's financial performance are mentioned below:

  • Revenue Growth
  • Profitability through efficiency in operations
  • User growth
  • Market share and relative industry position
  • Overall financial health of the company.

How has the profitability of Info Edge Limited evolved over time?

In March 2019, the company reported a net profit of Rs. 902.12 crores. In March 2022, the profit saw an increase of 10686.87 crores.

What are the potential catalysts that positively impact the share price of Info Edge?

Here are some factors that may potentially positively impact the share price of Info Edge:

  • Strong financial health and performance
  • Favourable industry outlook
  • Partnerships/acquisitions
  • Sentiment of the market 
  • New launches and innovations