The historical performance of SBI’s stock has been positive, if somewhat gradual. Although today, SBI’s stock is trading at a lower price than the 200-day moving average, it may see a rise in the future days to come. In the last year, a similar trend was seen, but the stock gained by 7%.
As the stock is trading at a low price, it is a good time to buy the stock. The stock of SBI is solid and built on strong fundamentals so you can be sure of long-term returns.
You can either buy SBI stock through your demat and trading account held with your bank, or through a reputed brokerage.
The dividend yield of SBI Bank’s stock is 1.36%.
If you compare SBI’s performance against the NIFTY 100 (return of 90.38%), the stock has generated a return of 187.2% over three years. Relative to the NIFTY Bank, the stock has given the same return for the same timeframe compared to the index's 93.73%.
The macroeconomic environment of India is improving and SBI is poised to see some good market returns in the future. With improved rates of interest, higher credit development, and high margins, the growth of the bank seems imminent. In November 2022 the stock was high and although it tends to be on the low side, buyers should grab it.
Since 2001, SBI has declared 21 dividends, and in the past year, has generated an equity dividend of Rs. 7.10 per equity share. Dividends generated are final dividends.
SBI has seen an increase in holdings of FIIs and FPIs from 9.95% to 10.09% in the quarter of December 2022.