Elements which affect the stock price of Tech Mahindra include but are not limited to the macroeconomic factors, the performance of other IT stocks and the IT indices, the overall performance of the global economy, the employee costs and the level of attrition.
Tech Mahindra is a large-cap IT firm with an attractive valuation and robust growth plans for the future. Its stock is currently worth around 1,050 and has a target price of 1,240. This suggests that Tech Mahindra has good potential for long-term growth.
In November 2022, Tech Mahindra announced an interim dividend of 18 per share. Recently, the company announced a final dividend of 32 per share when it reported its Quarter 4 results for FY23 in April. If this dividend gets the shareholders’ nod, then it will be paid on August 11, 2023. Hence, the total dividend will be worth 50 per share at a value of 5 each, for FY 2022-23.
Tech Mahindra is a popular dividend stock and has been paying dividend every year consistently. In the financial year 2022-23, Tech Mahindra declared dividend 3 times.
Tech Mahindra last offered bonus shares in the year 2015. The ratio for the same was 1:1, which means that for every existing share owned by the shareholders, one bonus share was offered to them.