Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd

ZEEL08 Nov 2024
-2.30 (-1.84%)
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To Invest in Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd
Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd
ZEEL08 Nov 2024
-2.30 (-1.84%)

Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd - Share Price & Details

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Market Cap(Cr)
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Traded Value(Cr)
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How to buy Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd shares on nse?

To buy Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd shares in Motilal Oswal, you just need to open a demat account and get your KYC documents verified

What is the Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd share price today?

The Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd shares price on nse is Rs.122.55 today.

What is the market cap of Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd shares on BSE ?

The company has a market capitalization of Rs.11771.17Cr

What is the PE & PB ratio of Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd shares ?

PE is 18.4 and PB is 1.12

What is the 52 Week High and Low of Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd shares?

Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd stock price high: Rs.299.5 Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd stock price low: Rs.117.1

What is the dividend yield of Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd?

The dividend yield of Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd is 1.42%. 


What is the debt-to-equity ratio of Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd?

The debt-to-equity ratio of Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd is 0.


What are the latest financial results of Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd?

The total income from operations of the company for the last quarter was Rs. 1,931.21 crore. In the sector of media and entertainment, the company has shown reduced profits. The stock of the company gave a 77% return against the NIFTY Midcap 100 which gave a return of 173.32%. 

What are the growth prospects for Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd in the near future?

According to analysts’ forecasts, an increase in the share price of Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd in the long term is estimated. This means that the company is expected to do better in the future compared to its current performance. Within five years, the revenue may well see a chance of an increase of 50% or more. 

 What is the company's strategy for growth and expansion?

Zee Entertainment Enterprises has come out as an important player in the media business. The company wishes to build on its existing marketing tactics to grow its revenue in the months to come. With innovative campaigns and strategies adopting SEO techniques, the company wants to put its best put forward to win larger audiences than it has been. 

What are the long-term prospects for Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd?

The long-term prospects for Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd look positive as the company readies itself for internal improvements in terms of expansion and enhancing its content. The upside of the media company is that it has a global presence and it plans to capitalise on this. 

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