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Can Product type Of the Hedged Position Be Converted

stock market
Published Date: 28 Jul 2023Updated Date: 28 Jul 20236 mins readBy MOFSL
can product type of the hedged position be converted


In this intricate world of finance, hedged positions play a vital role in managing risk and safeguarding investments. Picture this: you are walking on a tightrope, but instead of relying solely on your balance, you have a safety net to catch you if you stumble. That safety net, in the financial market, is called hedging. 

At its core, a hedged position is a strategic manoeuvre where investors protect themselves against adverse market movements by taking offsetting positions. It is like having a backup plan, allowing you to navigate uncertain terrain with greater confidence. In this article, we will cover one intriguing question investors have: Is the product type of hedging position convertible? So, dive into it as we shed light on the world of hedging. 

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What Is Hedging?

Hedging is a risk management technique in finance aimed at reducing potential losses from one asset by purchasing another. It helps mitigate uncertainties and minimises the impact of unforeseen price fluctuations on investments. Commonly used by stock market participants, hedging safeguards assets and serves as a protective shield against potential losses. 

What Are The Different Product Types In Hedging?

The different product types in hedging have been listed below.


Hedging with options involves using additional options positions to counterbalance potential risks in an existing trade. When the positions are combined positions, the hope is to offset losses with profits. This creates balanced outcomes or even a net gain in the process. 


Corporations and investors often employ futures contracts as a hedging technique to mitigate risks. Hedging encompasses a variety of investment strategies aimed at reducing risk for both individuals and businesses. 


Swap contracts, known as swaps, facilitate hedging by involving an exchange of currency between two parties. Initially, an agreed-upon amount is exchanged, followed by regular interest payments. The contract maintains a fixed exchange rate for the duration, ultimately culminating in the return of the initial amount. 

Forward Contracts

Forward contracts serve as a hedge against future foreign exchange risks. Importers or exporters with an FX contracts limit can secure the current exchange rate through a forward contract with a bank, shielding themselves from unfavourable rate fluctuations. 

Is The Product Type Of The Hedged Position Convertible?

The conversion of the product type of hedged position, such as from MIS to NRML or the other way round, is possible. However, it should be done in a stepwise manner. Once a product type is converted, the margin benefit associated with the hedge is lost. This means that the required margin for both intraday and overnight positions will increase. 

Let’s consider an example scenario: A client has taken a long futures position on NIFTY and a short call option contract on NIFTY, using the MIS product type, which allowed them to receive the margin benefit as it was a hedged position. If the client decides to convert only one position to NRML, i.e., hold it overnight, they will no longer enjoy the margin benefit, which will result in an increased required margin. 

However, if both positions are changed to NRML, the client will still enjoy the advantages of a hedge in terms of margin benefits. Therefore, it is essential for traders and investors to consider the implications of converting the hedged position product type and assess the impact on margin requirements and overall risk management strategies. 

Final Words

The question of converting the product type of hedge position emerges as a double-edged sword. While it offers the flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions, the loss of margin benefits and the increase in margin requirements pose significant considerations. Ultimately, the decision to convert relies on a delicate balance between risk management and potential opportunities. Traders and investors must carefully assess the specific circumstances, weight the benefits against the drawbacks, and devise a strategy that aligns with their goals. Whether opting for conversion or maintaining the original product type, the key lies in staying informed, taking calculated risks, and navigating the ever-evolving landscape of financial markets with confidence and astuteness.


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