Talk about saving and finance, there has always been a debate on what women know and about how they act when it comes to money. Many financial experts have openly spoken about the disconnect between women being achievers and their financial underachieving. Women are always compassionate and many times, they take a financial decision that is driven by their emotion, instead of going with their gut. Know where you stand financially by using the gratuity calculator and plan further investments according to your financial goals and needs. If you are one of those women who are getting started to build their own business or trying to save from the family finances, or if you are not where you wish to be financially, it is important to know the stumbling blocks that keep coming your way; that stop you from being independent financially. Let us now have a look at the ten important things; women of today can do for their very own financial future. 1.Do not rely on anyone: Women should never rely on anyone, be it their husband or a boyfriend when it is about financial security. Most of them always cede the control of money to men. Women should always educate themselves about investing and money management and need to control their finances on their own, at every stage. 2.Always set goals: Setting of financial goals is the key step any woman needs to take. It is important to set short term and long term goals and plan and act to achieve them. 3.Have your focus on earning money: As per Barbara Stanny, women often earn less money than they can. They should start saying "yes " to various opportunities and need to give them a try. It is also important to spend less than what you earn. This is one big secret to saving more money. 4.Focus on emergency fund and retirement: Women should save 10 % of their earnings towards their retirement fund and should start saving from an early age. It is also important to plan and build an emergency fund to deal with unexpected situations in life. Losing a job or an unexpected bill might dig up a huge financial hole if you are not well prepared. 5.Pay off the debts you have: Many women often tend to keep money secrets, especially when they are in early stages of a relationship. It is important to pay off any debts as it might lead to financial indigestion at a later stage. Discuss money matters with family or spouse to achieve a better solution. 6.Save, save and save: Women need to focus on having their personal savings and also need to save for their retirement at the same time. As most women take time out from work due to family or kids, savings are often less when compared to men. Hence, it is important to store up on that extra dough. 7.Always overestimate: It is a well-known fact with time, inflation decreases the value of rupee. Hence, it gets important to save more for the future. As women tend to live longer and have less saving, it is important to save more for their retirement. 8.Be financially confident: By being up to date with ongoing financial news and basics of investment, women can get more confident when taking money related decisions. It also helps to have friends to have a similar goal, so that one can mutually share goals and also create a saving club. 9.Never fear: Never have the fear of failure or fear of losing money. Do not let any insecurity stop you from taking the very first step towards investing. It is also important to learn from any financial mistakes you have made earlier. Never let your past mistakes hobble you. 10.Power is in your hands: Once you begin taking your own financial decisions and start making and saving money, you will start to feel more powerful. Embracing the feeling will help women to become more confident in other aspects of life too. As a conclusion, it can be said that being financially secure depends on a woman 's attitude and her beliefs. One has to willingly take a leap ahead to make the future financially secure. Now that you are aware of various tips that can keep you motivated, it is time you wake up to a new you and start being financially independent and successful.