Mutual Fund J

JM Aggressive Hybrid Fund-Annual BonusJM Aggressive Hybrid Fund-BonusJM Aggressive Hybrid Fund-GrowthJM Aggressive Hybrid Fund-Half Yearly Bonus
JM Aggressive Hybrid Fund-IDCWJM Aggressive Hybrid Fund-IDCWJM Aggressive Hybrid Fund-IDCW Half YearlyJM Aggressive Hybrid Fund-IDCW Half Yearly
JM Aggressive Hybrid Fund-IDCW MonthlyJM Aggressive Hybrid Fund-IDCW MonthlyJM Aggressive Hybrid Fund-IDCW QuarterlyJM Aggressive Hybrid Fund-IDCW Quarterly
JM Aggressive Hybrid Fund-IDCW YearlyJM Aggressive Hybrid Fund-IDCW YearlyJM Aggressive Hybrid Fund-Quarterly BonusJM Arbitrage Fund-Annual Bonus
JM Arbitrage Fund-BonusJM Arbitrage Fund-BonusJM Arbitrage Fund-GrowthJM Arbitrage Fund-Half Yearly Bonus
JM Arbitrage Fund-IDCWJM Arbitrage Fund-IDCWJM Arbitrage Fund-IDCW Half YearlyJM Arbitrage Fund-IDCW Half Yearly
JM Arbitrage Fund-IDCW MonthlyJM Arbitrage Fund-IDCW MonthlyJM Arbitrage Fund-IDCW QuarterlyJM Arbitrage Fund-IDCW Quarterly
JM Arbitrage Fund-IDCW YearlyJM Arbitrage Fund-IDCW YearlyJM Arbitrage Fund-Quarterly BonusJM Dynamic Bond Fund-Bonus
JM Dynamic Bond Fund-GrowthJM Dynamic Bond Fund-Half Yearly BonusJM Dynamic Bond Fund-IDCW DailyJM Dynamic Bond Fund-IDCW Monthly
JM Dynamic Bond Fund-IDCW MonthlyJM Dynamic Bond Fund-IDCW QuarterlyJM Dynamic Bond Fund-IDCW QuarterlyJM Dynamic Bond Fund-IDCW Weekly
JM ELSS Tax Saver Fund-GrowthJM ELSS Tax Saver Fund-IDCWJM Flexicap Fund-GrowthJM Flexicap Fund-IDCW
JM Flexicap Fund-IDCWJM Focused Fund-GrowthJM Focused Fund-IDCWJM Focused Fund-IDCW
JM Large Cap Fund-GrowthJM Large Cap Fund-IDCWJM Large Cap Fund-IDCWJM Large Cap Fund-IDCW Half Yearly
JM Large Cap Fund-IDCW Half YearlyJM Large Cap Fund-IDCW MonthlyJM Large Cap Fund-IDCW MonthlyJM Large Cap Fund-IDCW Quarterly
JM Large Cap Fund-IDCW QuarterlyJM Large Cap Fund-IDCW YearlyJM Large Cap Fund-IDCW YearlyJM Liquid Fund-Bonus
JM Liquid Fund-BonusJM Liquid Fund-GrowthJM Liquid Fund-Daily IDCWJM Liquid Fund-IDCW Quarterly
JM Liquid Fund-IDCW QuarterlyJM Liquid Fund-IDCW WeeklyJM Liquid Fund-IDCW WeeklyJM Liquid Fund Super Institutional Plan-Growth
JM Low Duration Fund-BonusJM Low Duration Fund-BonusJM Low Duration Fund-GrowthJM Low Duration Fund-IDCW Daily
JM Low Duration Fund-IDCW FortnightlyJM Low Duration Fund-IDCW WeeklyJM Medium to Long Duration Fund-BonusJM Medium to Long Duration Fund-Bonus
JM Medium to Long Duration Fund-GrowthJM Medium to Long Duration Fund-IDCW QuarterlyJM Medium to Long Duration Fund-IDCW QuarterlyJM Midcap Fund Regular - Growth
JM Midcap Fund Regular - IDCWJM Midcap Fund Regular - IDCWJM Overnight Fund Regular - GrowthJM Overnight Fund Regular-IDCW Daily
JM Overnight Fund Regular-IDCW WeeklyJM Overnight Fund Regular-IDCW WeeklyJM Short Duration Fund Regular - GrowthJM Short Duration Fund Regular - IDCW
JM Short Duration Fund Regular - IDCWJM Small Cap Fund Regular - GrowthJM Small Cap Fund Regular - IDCWJM Small Cap Fund Regular - IDCW
JM Value Fund-GrowthJM Value Fund-IDCWJM Value Fund-IDCW