19-Dec-2005 | S | Sub Division of Equity shares From Rs.5/- each to Rs.2/-each.
(As per BSE Bulletin dated on 31/10/2005)
Hindustan Sanitary And Industries Ltd has informed the Exchange that the BODs of the Company at their meeting held on October 28, 2005 have
resolved to convene an EGM of the Company on December 09, 2005 to consider the following: -(1)To seek Members approval forSub-division/Split up the existing fully paid up equity shares of nominal face value of Rs.5/- each into fully paid up equity shares of the nominal face value of Rs.2/- each and (2)Consequential amendment /alteration in the capital Clause of the
Memorandum & Articles of Association of the Comapany.
(As per NSE Bulletin dated on 08/11/2005)
Hindustan Sanitary And Industries Ltd has informed the Exchange that Members of the Company, at its meeting held on December 09, 2005 have
unanimously consented to split/sub-divide the existing fully paid-up Equity Shares of Rs.5/- each, in to fully paid-up Equity Shares of Rs.2/- each and to carry out the necessary amendments in the Capital Clause of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company.The BODs have accordingly fixed January 06, 2006, as Record Date for the purpose of entitlement of the Members to get fully paid-up equity shares of
face value of Rs.2/- each against their holding of fully paid-up equity share of face value of Rs.5/- each in the Company.
(As per NSE Bulletin dated on 12/12/2005)
Trading members of the Exchange are hereby informed that, Hindustan Sanitaryware & Industries Ltd. has fixed the Record Date for the purpose of sub division.
RECORD DATE 06/01/2006
Sub-division of existing equity shares of Rs.5/- each to Rs.2/- each i.e. Members holding TWO Fully paid equity shares of Rs.5/- each will be entitled to receive FIVE fully paid equity shares of Rs.2/- each and in other cases, where fraction arises, if any, upon such split / sub division, the same will be issued and allotted in the name of trustees, appointed by the Board, who will sell the shares against such fractions in the market and the sale proceeds will be distributed among theshareholders entitled for the same.
The auction in the equity shares of Hindustan Sanitaryware & Industries Ltd in Dematerialised Securities - Rolling Settlement Segment on 30/12/2005, 02/01/2006 and 03/01/2006 will be conducted as per face value of Rs.5/- each. Trading members are, therefore, requested to take abundant precautions while mentioning the rates
for offering the equity shares of the said company in auction on the said dates.
The scrip will be No Delivery from 30/12/2005 (DR-192/2005-2006) to 05/01/2006 (DR-196/2005-2006).
Note :-
i. Members are hereby informed that the transactions in the equity shares (physical) of the aforesaid company in the Exit-Route Scheme
will be for Rs.2/- paid up w.e.f. 30.12.2005.
ii. ISIN No. INE415A01020 of Rs.5/- paid up will be discontinued w.e.f. 30.12.2005 and the new ISIN Number for Rs.2/- paid up will be informed to the market by a separate notice.
(As per BSE Notice dated on 19/12/2005)
This is in continuation of notice no. 20051219-22 dated December 19, 2005 regarding the Sub Division of equity shares of Hindustan Sanitaryware & Industries Ltd. (scrip code 500187), Trading Members are hereby informed that the company has further clarified to the Exchange about the sub division of equity shares of the company as follows:
'Sub-division of existing equity shares of Rs.5/- each to Rs.2/- each i.e. Members holding TWO Fully paid equity shares of Rs.5/- each will be entitled to receive FIVE fully paid equity shares of Rs.2/- each and in other cases, where fraction arises, if any, upon such split / sub division, the same will be issued and allotted in the name of trustees, appointed by the Board, who will sell the shares against such fractions in the market and the sale proceeds will be distributed among theshareholders entitled for the same.
Trading Members are requested to take note of it.
(As per BSE Notice dated on 23/12/2005) | 06-Jan-2006 | |
03-Feb-2004 | S | Sub Division of Existing equity shares from every ONE Equity Share of Rs.10/- each into TWO Equity Shares of Rs.5/- each.
Sub Divided Paid-up Value:Rs.5/-
The auction in the equity shares of Hindustan Sanitaryware & Industries Ltd. in dematerialised Securities-Rolling Settlement Segment on 10/02/2004,11/02/2004 and 12/02/2004 will be conducted as per face value of Rs.10/- each. Members are therefore requested to take abundant precautions while mentioning the rates for offering the equity shares of the said company in auction on the said dates.
The scrip will be No Delivery from 10/02/2004 to 13/02/2004.
1.Members are hereby informed that the transactions in the equity shares (Physical) of the aforesaid company in the Exit-Route Scheme will be for Rs.5/- paid up w.e.f 10.02.2004.
2.ISIN No.INE415A01012 of Rs.10/- paid up will be discontinued w.e.f.10.02.2004 and the new ISIN NO
for Rs.5/- paid up will be informed to the market by a separate notice.
| 16-Feb-2004 | |
04-May-2023 | D | A)Further, the Board has recommended payment of Dividend @ 250% i.e. Rs.5 (Rupees Five) per equity share of Rs.2/- each for the year ended 31st March, 2023 subject to the approval of the Shareholders at the 63rd Annual General Meeting of the Company scheduled to be held on 31st August, 2023 and the same will be credited/dispatched on or before 8th September, 2023 to the shareholders entitled for the same
Pursuant to Regulation 42 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements), Regulations, 2015, the Register of Members and Share Transfer Books of the Company will remain closed From Friday, 25th August, 2023 to Thursday, 31st August , 2023 for the purpose of 63rd Annual General Meeting ('AGM') of the Company and payment of dividend, if declared at the ensuing AGM of the Company Kindly take the same on your record and display the same on the website of your Stock Exchange. | 24-Aug-2023 | |
11-May-2022 | D | the Board has recommended payment of Dividend @ 250% i.e. Rs.5 (Rupees Five) per equity share of Rs.2/- each for the year ended 31st March, 2022 subject to the approval of the Shareholders at the 62nd Annual General Meeting of the Company scheduled to be held on 22nd September, 2022 and the same will be credited/dispatched on or before ¬¬¬¬29th September, 2022 to the shareholders entitled for the same | 13-Sep-2022 | |
10-May-2021 | D | the Board has recommended payment of Dividend @ 200% i.e. Rs.4 (Rupees Four) per equity share of Rs.2/- each for the year ended 31st March, 2021 subject to the approval of the Shareholders at the 61st Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held on 24th September, 2021 and will be credited/dispatched on or before 29th September, 2021 to the shareholders entitled for the same. | 15-Sep-2021 | |
10-Jun-2020 | D | HSIL Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on June 10, 2020, inter alia, has recommended payment of Dividend @ 150% i.e. Rs. 3 (Rupees Three) per equity share of Rs. 2/- each for the year ended March 31, 2020 subject to the approval of the Shareholders at the 60th Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held on September 19, 2020 and will be credited/dispatched on or before September 29, 2020 to the shareholders entitled for the same. | 09-Sep-2020 | |
03-May-2019 | D | HSIL Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 03, 2019, inter alia, has recommended payment of Dividend @ 150% i.e. Rs. 3 (Rupees Three) per equity share of Rs. 2/- each for the year ended March 31, 2019 subject to the approval of the Shareholders at the 59th Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held on September 02, 2019 at Sripati Singhania Hall, Rotary Sadan, 94/2, Chowringhee Road, Kolkata - 700 020 and will be credited / dispatched by September 07, 2019 to the shareholders entitled for the same. | 19-Aug-2019 | |
30-May-2018 | D | The Board has recommended payment of Dividend @ ¬¬¬¬200% i.e. Rs. 4 (Rupees Four) per equity share of Rs. 2/- each for the year ended 31st March, 2018 subject to the approval of the Shareholders' at the 58th Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held on 6th September, 2018 at Sripati Singhania Hall, Rotary Sadan , 94/2, Chowringhee Road, Kolkata 700 020 and will be credited /dispatched by 11th September, 2018 to the shareholders entitled for the same.
This is for your reference and record. | 23-Aug-2018 | |
18-May-2017 | D | HSIL Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 18, 2017, inter alia, have recommended a dividend of 200% i.e. Rs. 4 (previous year Rs. 4) on equity shares of Rs. 2 each for the year ended March 31, 2017, subject to approval of shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting. | 20-Jul-2017 | |
03-May-2016 | D | 200% Dividend
HSIL Limited has informed the Exchange that the board of directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 23, 2016, has recommended payment of Dividend @ 200 % i.e. Rs. 4 ( Four Rupees) per equity share of Rs. 2/- each for the year ended March 31, 2016, subject to approval of the Shareholders at the Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held on September 07, 2016 and will be credited/dispatched by September 12, 2016.
(As per NSE Dated on 23.05.2016) | 30-Aug-2016 | |
18-May-2015 | D | HSIL Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 18, 2015, inter alia, has recommended payment of Dividend @ 175% i.e. Rs. 3.50 (Three Rupees Fifty Paisa) per equity share of Rs. 2/- each for the year ended March 31, 2015, subject to approval of the Shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and will be credited/dispatched by September 28, 2015. | 14-Sep-2015 | |
29-May-2014 | D | HSIL Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 29, 2014, inter alia, has recommended payment of Dividend @ 150% i.e. Rs. 3.00 (Rupees Three) per equity share of Rs. 2/- each for the year ended March 31, 2014, subject to approval of the Shareholders' at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and will be credited/dispatched by September 29, 2014. | 18-Sep-2014 | |
24-May-2013 | D | HSIL Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 24, 2013, has recommended payment of Dividend @150% i.e. Rs. 3.00/- (Rupees Three) per equity share of Rs. 2/- each for the year ended March 31, 2013, subject to approval of the Shareholders' at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and will be credited/dispatched by October 07, 2013. | 20-Sep-2013 | |
29-May-2012 | D | HSIL Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 29, 2012, inter alia, has recommended payment of Dividend @150% i.e. Rs. 3.00 (Rupees Three) per equity share of Rs. 2/- each for the year ended March 31, 2012, subject to approval of the Shareholders' at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and will be credited / dispatched by September 26, 2012.
| 07-Sep-2012 | |
18-May-2011 | D | HSIL Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 18, 2011, inter alia, have recommended a Dividend of Rs. 2.50/- on equity share of Rs. 2/- each i.e. @ 125%, subject to approval of shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting. | 09-Sep-2011 | |
20-May-2010 | D | HSIL Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 20, 2010, inter alia, have recommended a Dividend of Rs. 2/- per share of Rs. 2/- each i.e. @ 100%, subject to approval of shareholders. | 08-Sep-2010 | |
25-May-2009 | D | HSIL Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 23, 2009, inter alia, has recommended a dividend of Rs 1.60 per share of Rs 2/- each i.e. @ 80%, subject to approval of shareholders. | 08-Sep-2009 | |
19-May-2008 | D | Hindustan Sanitaryware & Industries Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 17, 2008, inter alia, has recommended payment of final Dividend @ 75% i.e. Rs. 1.50 (Rupee One and fifty paisa only) per Equity share of Rs 2/- each, for the year ended March 31, 2008, subject to approval of the Shareholders' at the ensuing Annual General Meeting. | 21-Aug-2008 | |
21-May-2007 | D | Hindustan Sanitaryware & Industries Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 19, 2007, inter alia, has recommended payment of final Dividend @ 50% i.e. Rs 1.00 per Equity share of Rs 2/- each, for the year ended March 31, 2007, subject to approval of the Shareholders' at the ensuing Annual General Meeting. The final dividend is, in addition, to the interim dividend of 25% i.e. Rs 0.50 per equity share of Rs 2 each, already declared and paid pursuant to the Board resolution dated July 24, 2006. | 03-Sep-2007 | |
26-Jul-2006 | D | 25% Interim Dividend | 24-Aug-2007 | |
27-May-2005 | D | 55% Dividend | 11-Aug-2005 | |
20-Dec-2004 | B | Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that, Hindustan Sanitaryware & Inds. Ltd. has fixed the Record Date for Bonus Issue. The transactions in the equity shares of the company should be done on an ex-bonus basis with effect from the undermentioned date.
TWO Bonus shares for every THREE existing Equity held.
500187 | 06-Jan-2005 | 2:3 |
19-Sep-2024 | BC | PFA herewith the intimation regarding Re-appointment of Independent Directors. | 18-Mar-2025 | |
27-Dec-2024 | BC | PFA herewith the intimation regarding notice of Postal Ballot
PFA herewith the intimation regarding the outcome of Postal Ballot along with the Scrutinizer''s Report
(As Per BSE Announcement | 27-Jan-2025 | |
13-Jan-2025 | BC | Agi Greenpac Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 20/01/2025 inter alia to consider and approve Pursuant to Regulation 29 of the SEBI (Listing | 20-Jan-2025 | |
07-Nov-2024 | BC | The Board at the Meeting approved the notice of Postal Ballot for seeking approval of the
shareholders of the Company under the Companies Act, 2013 and Listing Regulations for
appointment of Dr. La | 26-Dec-2024 | |
17-Dec-2024 | BC | Agi Greenpac Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 20/12/2024 inter alia to consider and approve Pursuant to Regulation 29 and other applicable | 20-Dec-2024 | |