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Suitable for Equity, Index, Currency and Commodity.
Provides real time recommendations.
Fully automated stock analysis and  market tested strategies.
Helps build conviction in decisions.
16k +Active Users
8 YearsSince Launch

Features Offered By TGS

Adaptive Automated Strategies
TGS Top Picks
Trade Planner
Performance Tracker
News Analysis
Adaptive Automated Strategies
TGS Top Picks
Trade Planner
Performance Tracker
News Analysis

See how it works

Custom strategy built on numerous indicator analysis
Ongoing optimization for market adaptability
Dynamic parameter shifting for improved results
TGS software generates signals across Nifty 500 stocks

Identifying the best trades
across Time-horizons


Long-term strategy, holding signals for weeks, ideal for investors seeking sustained market trends.


Short-term strategy, capturing price swings within weeks, suitable for traders capitalizing on intermediate market movements.


Day trading strategy, executing trades within a day, beneficial for those capitalizing on daily market volatility.


Overnight trading approach, holding positions from afternoon to morning, allowing traders to benefit from overnight market shifts.

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Subscribe now and unlock the full potential of TGS.

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