28-May-2012 | D | Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 27, 2012, inter alia, has recommended payment of dividend for the financial year 2011-12 of Re. 0.50 per Equity Share of Rs. 10 each (5%) and Re. 0.50 per 'B' Equity Share of Rs. 10 each (5%) subject to the approval of Ministry of Corporate Affairs and the shareholders of the Company. The said dividend, if approved, by Ministry of Corporate Affairs and the shareholders of the company, shall be paid or before October 27, 2012. | 17-Sep-2012 | |
15-Jul-2011 | D | Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on July 15, 2011, inter alia, has transacted the following:
1. Recommended payment of dividend for the financial year 2010-11 of Re. 1/- per Equity Share of Rs. 10 each (10%) and Re. 1/- per 'B' Equity Share of Rs. 10 each (10%) subject to the approval of shareholders which shall be paid on or before October 28, 2011. | 19-Sep-2011 | |
31-May-2010 | D | Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 30, 2010, inter alia, has recommended payment of final dividend at Re. 1/- per Equity Share and Re. 1/- per 'B' Equity Share for the year ended March 31, 2010, subject to the approval of members. | 30-Aug-2010 | |
27-Jun-2009 | D | Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on June 27, 2009, inter alia, has recommended payment of Final Dividend at Re 1/- per equity share for the year 2008-09 subject to the approval of members. | 08-Sep-2009 | |
18-Jul-2008 | D | Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on July 18, 2008, inter alia, has approved the following:
The Board has recommended payment of Final Dividend @ 25% for the year 2007-O8 subject to approval of members in respect of shares held by them at the record date fixed on September 17, 2008. | 04-Sep-2008 | |
04-Jun-2007 | D | Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on June 02, 2007, inter alia, has unanimously approved the following:
1. Recommended a dividend of 15% (Rs 1.50 per share) on the paid up capital of the Company subject to the approval of members. | 20-Sep-2007 | |
27-Apr-2010 | B | SUB. :- Bonus issue of Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd (Scrip Code: 512579)
Trading Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that, Gujarat NRE Coke Limited has fixed the Record Date for the purpose of Bonus Issue. The transactions in the equity shares of the company should be on an ex-bonus basis with effect from the under mentioned date.
Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd.
1 (ONE) fully paid up Class 'B' Bonus Equity Share (i.e. Equity shares with differential voting rights) for every 10 (TEN) existing equity shares held.
Ex-Bonus basis from Date & Sett. No.
Trading Members of the Exchange are requested to take note of it. | 07-May-2010 | 1:10 |
25-Sep-2008 | B | SUB. :- Bonus issue of Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd. (Scrip Code 512579)
Trading Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that, Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd. has fixed the Record Date for the purpose of Bonus Issue. The transactions in the equity shares of the company should be on an ex-bonus basis with effect from the under mentioned date.
Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd.
(512579 & 612579)
TWO fully paid up Bonus equity shares
for every FIVE existing equity shares held.
Cum-Bonus basis up to Date & Sett. No.
16/10/2008 DR-137/2008- 2009
Ex-Bonus basis from Date & Sett. No.
17/10/2008 DR-138/2008-2009
Trading Members of the Exchange are requested to take note of it. | 20-Oct-2008 | 2:5 |
29-Aug-2006 | B | Trading Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that, Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd. has fixed the Record Date for the purpose of Bonus Issue. The transactions in the equity shares of the company should be on an ex-bonus basis with effect from the under mentioned date.
RECORD DATE 29/09/2006
ONE Bonus equity share for every ONE existing equity share held.
Cum-Bonus basis up to Date &
Sett. No.
27/09/2006 DR-128/2006-2007
Ex-Bonus basis from Date & Sett. No.
28/09/2006 DR-129/2006-2007
Trading Members of the Exchange are requested to take note of it. | 29-Sep-2006 | 1:1 |
18-Jan-2005 | B | ONE Bonus share for every ONE existing equity shares held
| 10-Feb-2005 | 1:1 |
15-Apr-2004 | B | Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that, Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd.(Scrip Code 512579)has fixed the Record Date for the purpose of Bonus Issue. The transactions in the equity shares of the company should be done on an ex-bonus basis with effect from the undermentioned date.
ONE Bonus share for every TWO existing Equity Shares held. | 21-Apr-2004 | 1:2 |
22-May-2003 | B | One bonus share for every two existing equity share held. | 30-May-2003 | 1:2 |
21-Jan-2022 | BC | Trading Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that the undermentioned 1 suspended company at the Exchange on account of liquidation has been delisted by NSE. In view thereof in terms of Rule 21 | 25-Jan-2022 | |
24-Sep-2021 | BC | Sub : Delisting of equity shares of Gujarat NRE Coke Limited
To All Members,
In terms of Regulation 22(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Delisting of Equity Shares) Regulations, | 24-Sep-2021 | |
24-Feb-2021 | BC | Resignation of Company Secretary & Compliance Officer | 22-Feb-2021 | |
21-Jan-2020 | BC | COM 21/02/2020
Notice of NCLT convened Meeting
Public announcement relating to NCLT convened meeting
(As Per BSE Announcement Dated 22.01.2020) | 21-Feb-2020 | |
13-Jun-2018 | BC | COM 16/07/2018
Meetings convened by Hon''ble NCLT on 16th July, 2018
(As per BSE Announcement dated on 13/06/2018)
update regarding NCLT convened meeting
(As Per BSE Announcement | 16-Jul-2018 | |
Announcement Date28-May-2012
Ex Dividend Date17-Sep-2012
Announcement Date15-Jul-2011
Ex Dividend Date19-Sep-2011
Announcement Date31-May-2010
Ex Dividend Date30-Aug-2010
Announcement Date27-Jun-2009
Ex Dividend Date08-Sep-2009
Announcement Date18-Jul-2008
Ex Dividend Date04-Sep-2008
Announcement Date04-Jun-2007
Ex Dividend Date20-Sep-2007
Record Date07-May-2010
Ex-Bonus Date06-May-2010
Record Date20-Oct-2008
Ex-Bonus Date17-Oct-2008
Record Date29-Sep-2006
Ex-Bonus Date28-Sep-2006
Record Date10-Feb-2005
Ex-Bonus Date09-Feb-2005
Record Date21-Apr-2004
Ex-Bonus Date20-Apr-2004
Record Date30-May-2003
Ex-Bonus Date29-May-2003
No Split has been declared by Gujarat-NRE-Coke-Ltd
RightsNo Rights has been declared by Gujarat-NRE-Coke-Ltd
Book Closure
25-Jan-2022 | - | Trading Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that the undermentioned 1 suspended company at the Exchange on account of liquidation has been delisted by NSE. In view thereof in terms of Rule 21 |
24-Sep-2021 | - | Sub : Delisting of equity shares of Gujarat NRE Coke Limited
To All Members,
In terms of Regulation 22(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Delisting of Equity Shares) Regulations, |
22-Feb-2021 | - | Resignation of Company Secretary & Compliance Officer |
21-Feb-2020 | - | COM 21/02/2020
Notice of NCLT convened Meeting
Public announcement relating to NCLT convened meeting
(As Per BSE Announcement Dated 22.01.2020) |
16-Jul-2018 | - | COM 16/07/2018
Meetings convened by Hon''ble NCLT on 16th July, 2018
(As per BSE Announcement dated on 13/06/2018)
update regarding NCLT convened meeting
(As Per BSE Announcement |