08-Nov-2006 | S | JIK Industries Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on November 08, 2006 has approved that all the existing equity shares of value of Re 1/- each comprised in the authorized capital of the Company, both issued and un-issued be consolidated into one Equity share of value of Rs 10/- each fully paid up by consolidating every 10 fully paid equity share of Re 1/- each into one Equity Share of Rs 10/- each, consolidation shall take effect from the date to be decided by the Board of Directors of the Company or of a committee thereof, subject to the approval from Shareholders and concerned authorities.
JIK Industries Ltd has informed BSE that the members at the 15th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company held on December 11, 2006, inter alia, have accorded to the following:
The existing equity shares of value of Rs 1/- each comprised in the authorizd capital of the company, both issued and un-issued be consolidated in such manner that every 10 existing fully paid equity share of Re 1/-each shall constitute one Equity share of Rs 10/- each fully paid & consequential amendments in Memorandum & Articles of Association of the Company.
(As Per BSE Announcement Website Dated On 13/12/2006)
SUB. :- Consolidation of equity shares of JIK Industries Limited (Scrip Code 511618)
Trading members of the Exchange are hereby informed that, JIK Industries Limited has fixed the Record Date for the purpose of Consolidation of the equity shares of the company. Trading members of the Exchange are hereby advised not to deal in the Equity Shares of the Company as mentioned here under.
RECORD DATE 14/02/2007
NO DEALINGS FROM 07/02/2007 DR-217/2006-2007
Consolidation of existing equity shares from every TEN equity shares of Re.1/- each into ONE equity share of Rs.10/- each.
Trading Members of the Exchange are requested to take note of it.
(As per BSE Notice dated on 31/01/2007) | 14-Feb-2007 | |
28-Nov-2001 | R | Three 12.75% Cumulative Convertible Preference Shares of Rs.100/- each with one detachable warrant at par on rights basis for every twenty five existing equity shares held.
For Demat Securities, Stock exchange code - 511618 | 24-Dec-2001 | 3:25 |
25-Nov-2024 | BC | Sub: Securities of Compulsory Delisted Companies made available on Dissemination Board
of NSE
This is in continuation to our circular no. NSE/CML/64548 dated October 16, 2024, notifying
about de | 02-Dec-2024 | |
16-Oct-2024 | BC | Subject: Delisting of equity shares of Celestial Biolabs Limited and JIK Industries Limited w.e.f. October 17, 2024
In terms of Rule 21(2) (b) of the Securities Contracts (Regulations) Rules 1957, | 17-Oct-2024 | |
14-Oct-2024 | BC | Trading Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that the undermentioned 6 companies that have remained suspended for more than 6 months would be delisted from the platform of the Exchange, with e | 16-Oct-2024 | |
03-Sep-2024 | BC | Please find enclosed herewith outcome of Board meeting held today i.e. September 03, 2024 to consider and approve sale of Shares of I.A. and I.C. Private Limited and Shah Pratap Industries Private Li | 03-Sep-2024 | |
12-Jul-2024 | BC | AGM 23/08/2024
This to inform you that the Annual General meeting of JIK Industries Limited was held on 23rd August 2024 at 04.17 p.m. (IST). The meeting was concluded at 05.07 P.M (IST). A copy | 23-Aug-2024 | |
No Dividends has been declared by JIKIND
No Bonus has been declared by JIKIND
Record Date14-Feb-2007
Split Date07-Feb-2007
Face Value (Before/After)1/10
RightsRecord Date01 Jan'1900
Ex-Rights Date01 Jan'1900
Book Closure
02-Dec-2024 | - | Sub: Securities of Compulsory Delisted Companies made available on Dissemination Board
of NSE
This is in continuation to our circular no. NSE/CML/64548 dated October 16, 2024, notifying
about de |
17-Oct-2024 | - | Subject: Delisting of equity shares of Celestial Biolabs Limited and JIK Industries Limited w.e.f. October 17, 2024
In terms of Rule 21(2) (b) of the Securities Contracts (Regulations) Rules 1957, |
16-Oct-2024 | - | Trading Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that the undermentioned 6 companies that have remained suspended for more than 6 months would be delisted from the platform of the Exchange, with e |
03-Sep-2024 | - | Please find enclosed herewith outcome of Board meeting held today i.e. September 03, 2024 to consider and approve sale of Shares of I.A. and I.C. Private Limited and Shah Pratap Industries Private Li |
23-Aug-2024 | - | AGM 23/08/2024
This to inform you that the Annual General meeting of JIK Industries Limited was held on 23rd August 2024 at 04.17 p.m. (IST). The meeting was concluded at 05.07 P.M (IST). A copy |