Kriti Nutrients Ltd

BSE : Kriti_Nutrients07 Feb 2025
Edible Oil
-3.85 (-2.98%)
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To Invest in Kriti Nutrients Ltd
Kriti Nutrients Ltd
Edible Oil
BSE : Kriti_Nutrients07 Feb 2025
-3.85 (-2.98%)
Corporate action
Peer comparison
Cash flow

Corporate Action

These are actions taken by a company that impact the shareholders value directly. It is an event that brings material changes to a company and affects its stakeholders.

Peer Comparison

These are actions taken by a company that impact the shareholders value directly. It is an event that brings material changes to a company and affects its stakeholders.
Scrip NamePriceDaily ChangeM.Cap (Cr)1 Year Returns %P/E (TTM)PB Ratio
Kriti Nutrients Ltd
Modi Naturals Ltd
Ajanta Soya Ltd
Patanjali Foods Ltd

Cash Flow

These are actions taken by a company that impact the shareholders value directly. It is an event that brings material changes to a company and affects its stakeholders.

Share Holding

These are actions taken by a company that impact the shareholders value directly. It is an event that brings material changes to a company and affects its stakeholders.
Promoter Shareholding
FII Shareholding
DII Shareholding
Public Shareholding
**Promoter pledged shareholding  66.68%

About Kriti Nutrients Ltd

Kriti Nutrients Ltd is in the Edible Oil sector, having a market capitalization of Rs. 627.55 crores. It has reported a sales of Rs. 172.27 crores and a net profit of Rs. 8.75 crores for the quarter ended December 2018. The company management includes Shiv Singh Mehta, Shiv Singh Mehta,Purnima Mehta,Saurabh Singh Mehta,C Bhaskar,Dilip Roopsingh Gaur,Tulsi Jayakumar,Ashutosh Khajuria,Raj Kumar Bhawsar (Kriti Nutrients Ltd) among others.
Shiv Singh Mehta
Registered office
Mehta Chambers,34 Siyaganj,Indore,Madhya Pradesh,452007
FAX :91-731-2704506
Incorporation Year1996
Face Value₹1
Market Lot1