17-Jun-2024 | S | Board of Directors has approved Sub-division/split of Equity shares of the Company having face value of Rs. 10/- (Rupees Ten) each into 10 (Ten) equity shares having face value of Re. 1 (Rupee One) each fully paid up, subject to the approval of Shareholders of the Company
Trading Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that NANDAN DENIM LIMITED, has fixed Record Date for the purpose of Sub-Division of Equity Shares of the Company:-
Subdivision of existing Equity Shares from One Equity Share of Rs.10/- each into Ten Equity Shares of Re.1/- each.
19/09/2024 DR-719/2024-2025
Note: -
i. ISIN No. INE875G01030 of Rs.10/- paid up will not be valid for transactions done on the Exchange on or after 19/09/2024.
ii. The new ISIN Number for Re. 1/- paid up will be informed to the market by a separate notice.
(As Per BSE Notice Dated on 10.09.2024)
Sub: Change in ISIN - Nandan Denim Limited (NDL)
Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that the ISIN Code for the equity shares of the following company shall be changed w.e.f. September 19, 2024.
Company Name
Nandan Denim Limited
Sub-Division from Rs. 10/- to Re. 1/-
The new ISIN shall be effective for all trades done on and from the Ex-date date i.e., September 19, 2024.
For and on behalf of
National Stock Exchange of India Limited
Kavish Surana
(As Per Nse Circular dated on 16.09.2024)
In Continuation to Exchange Notice No. 20240910-26 dated September 10, 2024, Trading Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that the New ISIN number for the Sub-Divided Equity Shares of the Company will be as under: -
Company Name & Scrip Code
New ISIN No.
Sub-division of Equity Shares from Rs.10/- to Re.1/-
The new ISIN number given above, for Equity Shares of Re.1/- each of the company shall be effective for trades done on and from the Ex-Date i.e. 19-09-2024 (DR- 719/2024-2025)
(As Per Bse Notice Dated on 17.09.2024) | 19-Sep-2024 | |
05-Aug-2011 | S | Nandan Exim Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 05, 2011, inter alia, has considered and approved the following:
The Board has approved the consolidation of share capital i.e. conversion of equity shares of face value of Rs. 1/- each into face value of Rs. 10/- per share.
Nandan Exim Ltd has informed BSE that the members at 17th the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company held on September 23, 2011, inter alia, have accorded to the following:
Approval to the consolidation of share capital of the Company from face value of Re. 1/- per share to face value of Rs. 10/- per share fully paid up.
(As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 23.09.2011)
Nandan Exim Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on November 10, 2011, has discussed the various aspects and action to be taken relating to consolidation of Equity Shares i.e. change in Face Value from Re. 1/- to Rs. 10/- per share. Based on the present market situation, the Board decided to call a separate Board Meeting and take a view in the matter.
(As Per BSE Announcement website dated on 11.11.2011)
Nandan Exim Ltd has informed BSE that the Board has fix the Record Date on March 09, 2012 for considering the eligibility of the shareholders for the purpose of consolidation of equity shares from Re. 1/- per share to Rs. 10/- per share.
(As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 13.02.2012)
SUB. : - Consolidation of equity shares of Nandan Exim Limited (Scrip Code 532641)
Trading members of the Exchange are hereby informed that Nandan Exim Limited has fixed the Record Date for the purpose of Consolidation of the equity shares of the company. Trading members of the Exchange are hereby advised not to deal in the Equity Shares of the Company as mentioned here under.
Nandan Exim Limited
Consolidation of existing TEN equity shares from Re.1/- each to ONE equity share of Rs.10/- each.
07/03/2012 DR-235/2011-2012
Trading Members of the Exchange are requested to take note of it.
(As Per BSE Notice Dated on 22.02.2012) | 09-Mar-2012 | |
27-Oct-2005 | S | Board has approved splitting of shares of the Company to the face value of Rs 1/- per share and approval of the addendum to the notice to shareholders mentioning in the ensuing the agenda item of splitting of shares for their approval in the ensuing Annual General Meeting of the Company.
(As per BSE Bulletin dated on 05/09/2005)
Trading Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that, Nandan Exim Limited has fixed the Record Date for the purpose of sub division.
RECORD DATE 11/11/2005
Reduced PAID-UP VALUE Re.1/-
Sub Division of existing equity shares from every ONE equity share of Rs.10/- each into TEN equity shares of Re.1/- each.
The auction in the equity shares of Nandan Exim Limited in Dematerialised Securities - Rolling Settlement Segment on 02/11/2005, 07/11/2005 and 08/11/2005 will be conducted as per face value of Rs.10/- each. Trading Members are, therefore, requested to take abundant precautions while mentioning the rates for offering the equity shares of the said company in auction on the said dates.
The scrip will be No Delivery from 02/11/2005 (DR-152/2005-2006) to 10/11/2005 (DR-156/2005-2006).
Note :-
i. Trading Members are hereby informed that the in the equity shares (physical) of the aforesaid company in the Exit-Route Scheme will be for Re.1/- paid up w.e.f. 02.11.2005.
ii. ISIN No. INE875G01014 of Rs.10/- paid up will be discontinued w.e.f. 02.11.2005 and the new ISIN Number for Re.1/- paid up will be informed to the market by a separate notice.
(As per BSE Notice dated on 27/10/2005) | 11-Nov-2005 | |
25-May-2019 | D | Nandan Denim Limited has informed the exchange regarding recommendation of Dividend for the year 2018-19. | 05-Sep-2019 | |
29-May-2017 | D | Nandan Denim Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 29, 2017, inter alia, has recommended a Final Dividend of 16% i.e. Rs. 1.60 per equity share of Rs. 10.00 each of the Company for the year ended March 31, 2017. | 21-Sep-2017 | |
11-Mar-2016 | D | Nandan Denim Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on March 11, 2016, has transacted the following:
1. The Board of Directors have declared an Interim Dividend of 8% i.e. Re. 0.80 per equity share of the face value of Rs. 10/- each fully paid up. The dividend will be paid / dispatched on or before April 01, 2016. This Interim Dividend would be over and above an amount of Re. 0.80 per equity share approved in the Board Meeting dated February 12, 2016 thereby making the total Interim Dividend payout at Rs. 1.60 per share. | 22-Mar-2016 | |
12-Feb-2016 | D | Nandan Denim Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on February 12, 2016, inter alia, have declared an Interim Dividend of 8% i.e. Rs. 0.80/- per equity share of the face value of Rs. 10/- each fully paid up. The dividend payout will be on March 02, 2016. | 23-Feb-2016 | |
29-May-2015 | D | Nandan Denim Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 29, 2015, inter alia, has:
1. Recommended Dividend of 10% i.e. Re. 1.00/- per equity share of the face value of Rs. 10/- each. | 21-Sep-2015 | |
03-Feb-2015 | D | Nandan Denim Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on February 03, 2015, inter alia, has transacted the following:
1. Declared an Interim Dividend of 6% i.e. Re. 0.60/- per equity share of the face value of Rs. 10/- each.
| 12-Feb-2015 | |
30-May-2014 | D | Nandan Denim Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 30, 2014, inter alia, have recommended final dividend @ 12% (Rs. 1.2/- per share) on Equity Shares for the year 2013-14. | 09-Sep-2014 | |
04-Feb-2014 | D | Nandan Denim Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on February 04, 2014, inter alia, has declared interim dividend of 6% per share (i.e. Rs. 0.60/- per share). | 17-Feb-2014 | |
30-May-2013 | D | Nandan Exim Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 30, 2013, inter alia, have recommended dividend of 12% i.e. Rs. 1.20/- per share (on face value of Rs. 10/- each) for the year 2012-13 subject to the approval of shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting. | 21-Aug-2013 | |
13-Aug-2012 | D | Nandan Exim Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 13, 2012, inter alia, has considered and approved the following:
1.The Board of Directors have recommended final dividend of 10% (Re. 1/- per share) on Equity Shares for the year 2011-12 subject to necessary approvals from the shareholders, banks and other approvals, if any;
2. The Board has approved the expansion project for increase in the production capacity by 20 million meters p.a. in denim fabrics. | 20-Sep-2012 | |
02-Jul-2007 | D | Nandan Exim Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on June 30, 2007, inter alia, has decided to treat the interim dividend declared and paid at @ 7.5% as final dividend for the year 2006-2007. | 16-Nov-2006 | |
21-Jan-2006 | D | 7.5% Interim Dividend
(As per BSE Bulletin dated on 01/02/2006) | 03-Feb-2006 | |
27-Apr-2006 | D | 5% Dividend | 21-Sep-2005 | |
23-Feb-2022 | B | 2:1 Bonus Issue of Equity Shares
Nandan Denim has informed the exchange regarding Revised Record Date for Bonus Issue
(As Per BSE Announcement dated on 09.03.2022)
Trading Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that, Nandan Denim Limited has fixed the record date for the purpose of Bonus Issue. The transactions in the equity shares of the company would be on an ex-bonus basis with effect from the under mentioned date.
Nandan Denim Limited (532641)
Issue of 2 (Two) Bonus equity shares of Rs.10/- each for every 1 (One) existing equity share of Rs.10/- each held.
Ex-Bonus basis from Date & Sett. No.
24/03/2022 DR-245/2021-2022
(As Per BSE Notice Dated on 21.03.2022) | 25-Mar-2022 | 2:1 |
09-Jan-2007 | B | SUB: Bonus issue of Nandan Exim Ltd. (Scrip Code 532641)
Trading Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that Nandan Exim Ltd. has fixed the Record Date for the purpose of Bonus Issue. The
transactions in the equity shares of the company should be on an ex-bonus basis with effect from the under mentioned date.
RECORD DATE 19/01/2007
Cum-Bonus basis up to Date &
Sett. No.
17/01/2007 DR-204/2006-2007
Ex-Bonus basis from Date &
Sett. No.
18/01/2007 DR-205/2006-2007
ONE Bonus equity Share for every ONE existing equity share held.
Trading Members of the Exchange are requested to take note of it. | 19-Jan-2007 | 1:1 |
05-Dec-2007 | R | SUB. :- Rights issue of Nandan Exim Limited (Scrip Code 532641)
Trading Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that, Nandan Exim Limited has fixed the Record Date for the purpose of Rights
Issue. The transactions in the equity shares of the company should be done on ex-rights basis with effect from the under mentioned date.
Nandan Exim Limited
ONE Equity Share of Re.1/- each for cash at a
premium of Rs.2/- per equity share on rights basis for every TWO existing equity shares of Re.1/- each held.
Cum-Right basis up to Date & Sett.
11/12/2007 DR-179/2007-2008
No.Ex-Right basis from Date & Sett. No.
12/12/2007 DR-180/2007-2008
The auction in the equity shares of Nandan Exim Limited in Dematerialised Securities - Rolling Settlement Segment on 12/12/2007, 13/12/2007 and 14/12/2007 will be conducted on cum-right
basis. Trading members are, therefore, requested to take abundant precautions while mentioning the rates for offering the equity shares of the said company in auction on the said dates.
The scrip will be in No Delivery from 12/12/2007 (DR-180/2007-2008) to 18/12/2007 (DR-184/2007-2008). | 19-Dec-2007 | 1:2 |
21-Jan-2025 | BC | Nandan Denim Limitedhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 28/01/2025 inter alia to consider and approve Unaudited Financial Results of the Company | 28-Jan-2025 | |
19-Oct-2024 | BC | Nandan Denim Limitedhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 28/10/2024 inter alia to consider and approve Un-audited Financial Results for the Quart | 28-Oct-2024 | |
30-Sep-2024 | BC | Brijmohan Chiripal | 27-Sep-2024 | |
30-Sep-2024 | BC | Vedprakash Chiripal | 27-Sep-2024 | |
30-Sep-2024 | BC | Chripal Exim LLP | 27-Sep-2024 | |