Recommendation of Final Dividend on equity shares at 5 % on equity shares of Rs. 10/- each, amounting to Rs. 0.50/- per share.
With regards to the captioned subject we would like to inform that the company has fixed for 15th september, 2023 as the record date for the purpose of entitlement of dividend.
(As Per BSE Announcement dated on 16.08.2023) | 15-Sep-2023 | |
30-May-2022 | D | With regard to captioned subject, we would like to inform you that the Board of Directors of the company, at its meeting held today on 30TH May 2022, has Recommended Final Dividend at 3 % on equity shares of Rs. 10/- each, amounting to Rs.0.30/- per share on paid up equity capital of the company, subject to the approval of Shareholders of the Company at the Annual General Meeting.
| 08-Sep-2022 | |
15-Jun-2021 | D | Vikram Thermo India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on June 15, 2021, inter alia, has transacted following:
- Recommendation of Dividend on equity shares at 15 % on equity shares of Rs. 10/- each, amounting to Rs. 1.50/- Per share. | 23-Sep-2021 | |
29-Jun-2020 | D | Vikram Thermo India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on June 29, 2020, inter alia, has transacted the following:
- Recommendation of Dividend on equity shares at 15% on equity shares of Rs. 10/- each, amounting to Rs. 1.50/- Per share. | 22-Sep-2020 | |
30-May-2019 | D | The Board of Directors of the company, at its meeting held today on 30th May, 2019, has Recommended Dividend at 15% on equity shares of Rs. 10/- each, amounting to Rs.1.50/- Per share on paid up equity capital of the company, subject to the approval of Shareholders of the Company at the Annual General Meeting. | 19-Sep-2019 | |
25-May-2017 | D | Vikram Thermo India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 25, 2017, have recommended dividend on equity shares @ 16.5% on Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each amounting Rs. 1.65/- per share, on paid up Equity Capital of the Company, subject to approval of the shareholders of the Company. | 20-Sep-2017 | |
02-May-2016 | D | Vikram Thermo India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 02, 2016, has recommended dividend on equity shares @ 15% on Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each amounting Rs. 1.5/- per share, on paid up Equity Capital of the Company. | 16-Sep-2016 | |
27-May-2015 | D | Vikram Thermo India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 27, 2015, inter alia, has recommended dividend on equity shares @ 7.5% on equity shares of Rs. 10/- each amounting Rs. 0.75/- per share aggregating total dividend amount of Rs. 41,86,927.50/- on paid up equity capital of the Company. | 23-Sep-2015 | |
27-Mar-2014 | D | Vikram Thermo India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 27, 2014, inter alia, has recommended dividend on equity shares @ 15% on equity shares of Rs. 10/- each amounting Rs. 1.5/- per share aggregating total dividend amount of Rs. 83,73,855/- on paid up equity capital of the Company. | 23-Sep-2014 | |
27-May-2013 | D | Vikram Thermo India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 27, 2013, inter alia, has recommended dividend on equity shares @ 15% on Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each amounting Rs. 1.5/- per share, on paid up equity Capital of the Company. | 03-Sep-2013 | |
06-Aug-2012 | D | Vikram Thermo India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 06, 2012, inter alia, has recommended dividend on equity shares @ 15% on equity shares of Rs.10/- each amounting Rs.1.5/- per share, on paid up equity capital of the Company. | 20-Sep-2012 | |
05-Aug-2011 | D | Vikram Thermo India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 05, 2011, inter alia, has recommended dividend on equity shares @ 15% on equity shares of Rs. 10/- each amounting Rs. 1.5/- per share aggregating total dividend amount of Rs. 83,73,855/- on paid up equity capital of the Company. | 20-Sep-2011 | |
29-Jul-2010 | D | Vikram Thermo India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on July 29, 2010, inter alia, has recommended dividend on equity shares @ 10% on equity shares of Rs. 10/- each amounting Rs. 1/- per share aggregating total dividend amount of Rs. 55,82,570/- on paid up equity capital of the Company. | 13-Sep-2010 | |
23-Jul-2009 | D | Vikram Thermo India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on July 23, 2009, inter alia, has recommended dividend on equity shares @ 10% on equity shares of Rs 10/- each amounting Rs 1/- per share aggregating total dividend amount of Rs 55,82,570/- on paid up equity capital of the Company. | 17-Sep-2009 | |
30-Jul-2008 | D | Vikram Thermo India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on July 30, 2008, inter alia, has recommended dividend on equity shares @ l5% on equity shares of Rs 10/- each amounting Rs 1.50/- per share aggregating total dividend amount of Rs 8373855/- on paid up equity capital of the Company. | 16-Sep-2008 | |
30-Jul-2007 | D | Vikram Thermo India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on July 30, 2007, inter alia, has recommended dividend on equity shares @ 15% on equity shares of Rs 10/- each amounting to Rs 1.50/- per share aggregating to total dividend amount of Rs 8373855/- on paid up equity capital of the Company. | 18-Sep-2007 | |
27-Mar-2007 | D | 10% Dividend | 07-Sep-2006 | |
06-Jul-2005 | D | 5% Dividend | 08-Sep-2005 | |
21-Apr-2022 | B | 4:1 Bonus Issue of Equity Shares
Trading Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that, Vikram Thermo (India) Ltd. has fixed the record date for the purpose of Bonus Issue. The transactions in the equity shares of the company would be on an ex-bonus basis with effect from the under mentioned date.
Vikram Thermo (India) Ltd. (530477)
Issue of 4 (Four) Bonus equity shares of Rs.10/- each for every 1 (One) existing equity share of Rs.10/- each held.
Ex-Bonus basis from Date & Sett. No.
12/05/2022 DR-029/2022-2023
(As Per BSE Notice Dated on 09.05.2022) | 13-May-2022 | 4:1 |
03-Feb-2025 | BC | VIKRAM THERMO (INDIA) LTD.has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 14/02/2025 inter alia to consider and approve This is to inform you that as requir | 14-Feb-2025 | |
25-Oct-2024 | BC | VIKRAM THERMO (INDIA) LTD.has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 14/11/2024 inter alia to consider and approve This is to inform you that as requir | 14-Nov-2024 | |
30-Aug-2024 | BC | AGM 30/09/2024
Pursuant to Regulation 30(6) and Part A of schedule III of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, this is to inform that the 30th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the company is scheduled t | 30-Sep-2024 | |
30-Sep-2024 | BC | We wish to informed you that the member of the company in their meeting held on 30th September 2024. approved the appointment of Mr. Dineshkumar Mistry and Mrs. Aanal Safi as the non executive indepe | 30-Sep-2024 | |
30-Aug-2024 | BC | Rs.0.7500 per share(7.5%)Final Dividend& A.G.M,.. | 24-Sep-2024 | |