The correct way to invest in GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals is to buy the shares of the company through a reputed broker like Motilal Oswal. You can sign up with the broker online and open a dreamt and trading account first. Then, you can place an order to buy the company stock through the broker and invest in the company.
To sell GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceutical shares you must be signed up with a broker like Motilal Oswal. Shares must be held in a demat account to be sold. You also need to have a trading account linked to your demat account. Once you place a sell request with your broker, your shares are sold and the proceeds are credited to your bank account linked with your demat and trading accounts.
The current year ROI (YTD 17 April 2023) of GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceutical shares is -3.81%.
You can buy the shares of GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals now or at any time through a reputed broker like Motilal Oswal. All you require is a demat account linked with a trading account. These two accounts are connected to your bank account and you can easily place a buy order with your broker to buy the shares you want.
The trading volume of GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceutical shares is 53,700 (17 April 2023).