Indiamart has given a return of +11.16% in 1 year (past year).
Knowing whether an investment is effective needs analysis which is dependent on various factors like market conditions, the company’s performance, competition, condition of the economy, and so on. Investors should always invest after doing due diligent research and aligning investment with their own financial goals.
The EPS of Indiamart stocks is 93.19.
The primary shareholders of Indiamart are:
The ROI for Indiamart stocks for 1 year is +11.16% and YTD (19 April 2023) is +19.24%.
Indiamart is a substantial online marketplace in India. It connects buyers with sellers engaged in a range of products and services. There are several metrics that may be used to evaluate online marketplaces, including Indiamart. These could potentially include:
Indiamart Limited’s profit in March 2019 was at Rs. 20.09 crores. In March 2022, the net profit was at 318.36 crores.