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How to Evaluate the Performance of a Mutual Fund
05 Jan 2023

How to Assess the Mutual Fund Performance?

  • Define your mutual fund investment objectives.

What exactly is the goal of my investment? Your mutual fund selections should be based on the answer to this question. You can invest in a debt fund, for example, if you want a steady income with capital protection. Equities, on the other hand, will suit your needs if you have a higher risk appetite and want to build your wealth. As a result, it is critical to first define your financial goal before deciding on your investment. This is also important in fund evaluation.

  • To compare, make a list of a few peer funds.

It's difficult to judge a mutual fund on its own. As a result, you should keep track of a small list of comparable funds and compare them on a regular basis. Free mutual fund screener tools are available from a variety of FinTech companies and third-party websites.

  • Check out the previous mutual fund performance data.

Every mutual fund handbook now includes a disclaimer that states that past performance is no guarantee of future results. This information, on the other hand, can be used to see how the fund has performed over time. Consistency can also reveal the fund manager's abilities. In short, finding a fund with lower risks but larger returns will be easier.

  • Fund's fee structure

You pay a mutual fund company for its services and expertise. Some funds necessitate careful management and prompt decisions on whether to acquire, sell, or hold an asset. Keep in mind that a fund with a larger charge is always better. Before making a decision, make sure to look at all of the options.

  • Mutual fund performance in relation to the index

It can be instructive to compare different timelines to the benchmark as well as peers. During a market downturn, a well-managed fund will not fall too far.

Why should you keep track of your investment performance?

You may have seen the caveat that a fund's previous performance does not guarantee future results. It indicates you can't count on a certain rate of return on your investment. As a result, when evaluating a mutual fund, you must go beyond previous years' returns.

You should keep track of your investments so that you can make informed decisions that will result in increased profits. You're aware that the stock market fluctuates in response to changes in the general economy. The asset allocation of the portfolio is thrown off by such a change.

A market rally, for example, might transform a 50:50 equity:debt allocation to a 60:40 ratio. It may raise the fund's risk profile beyond what you require. Fund evaluation also allows you to compare your investment's performance to that of other similar funds.

Wrapping Up

The research is essential for fund management organisations to analyse their business performance and identify the factors that influence it in order to plan future strategies. Performance research aids investors to invest in mutual funds online with an AMC having a better track record. When the market is down or there are moments of high volatility, however, these indicators see big swings.

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