05-Nov-2024 | D | Outcome of Board Meeting
lnterim Dividend of Rs. 3l- per share (30% of paid-up capital) for the financial year 2024-25. The lnterim dividend declared shall be paid on or before 04th December,2024. | 14-Nov-2024 | |
20-May-2024 | D | Outcome of Board Meeting
Recommendation of Final Dividend for the year 2023-24
It is further informed that the Board has recommended a final dividend of Rs. 3.75 per equity share having face value of Rs. 10/- each (pre-bonus), which translates into final dividend of Rs. 2.50 per equity share having face value of Rs. 10/- each (post-bonus) for financial year 2023-24, subject to the approval of the shareholders of the Company. The final dividend would be paid within 30 days from the date of declaration at the AGM. The final dividend is in addition to the Interim Dividend of Rs. 3.50/- (pre-bonus) and second Interim Dividend of Rs. 8.50/- (pre-bonus) paid for the financial year 2023-24. The record date for payment of final dividend would be fixed and intimated in due course.
Final Dividend - Rs. - 2.5000
(As Per Bse Corporate Actions dated on 20.08.2024) | 30-Aug-2024 | |
08-Mar-2024 | D | Pursuant to Regulation 30 & 43 of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, the Board of Directors in its meeting held today i.e. on 08th March, 2024 has inter-alia accorded its approval for :- a) Second Interim Dividend of Rs. 8.50/- per share (85% of paid-up capital) for the financial year 2023-24. The Second Interim Dividend 2023-24 will be paid on or before 07th April, 2024. [The Record Date - 18th March, 2024 was intimated vide our letter of even no. dated 01st March, 2024] Read less.. | 18-Mar-2024 | |
09-Nov-2023 | D | Boiard declared Interim Dividend of Rs. 3.50/- per share (35% of paid-up capital) for the financial year 2023-24. The Interim dividend declared shall be paid on or before 08th December, 2023. | 22-Nov-2023 | |
24-May-2023 | D | (i) Audited Financial Results for the Quarter and year ended 31st March, 2023 (Standalone and Consolidated) (ii) Recommendation of Final Dividend for F.Y. 2022-23
| 25-Aug-2023 | |
10-Feb-2023 | D | Declared Second Interim Dividend of Rs. 10/- per share (100% of paid-up capital) for the financial year 2022-23. The Interim dividend declared shall be paid on or before 12th March, 2023.
| 22-Feb-2023 | |
10-Nov-2022 | D | The Board declared lnterim Dividend oI Rs. 4.5/- per share (45% of paid'up caPital) for the financial Year 2022 23. The lnterim dividend declared shall be paid on or before 10th
December, 2022. | 21-Nov-2022 | |
27-May-2022 | D | Recommended a Final Dividend of Rs. 5 /- per share (i.e. @ 50% of paid-up equity share capital) for the financial year 2021-22 subject to approval of the shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Final Dividend 2021-22 would be paid within 30 days from the date of its declaration at the AGM. The Record Date/Date of Book Closure for payment of final dividend would be fixed and intimated in due course.
| 15-Sep-2022 | |
11-Feb-2022 | D | Declared Second Interim Dividend of Rs. 5.75/- per share (57.5 % of paid-up capital) for the financial year 2021-22. The Second Interim Dividend declared shall be paid on or before 13th March, 2022. | 22-Feb-2022 | |
10-Nov-2021 | D | Board approves Dividend Interim Dividend of Rs. 3.50 /- per share (35% of paid-up capital) for the financial year 2021-22. The Interim dividend declared shall be paid on or before 10th December, 2021.
declared Interim Dividend of Rs. 3.50 /- per share (35% of paid-up capital) for the financial year 2021-22. The Interim dividend declared shall be paid on or before 10th December, 2021. | 23-Nov-2021 | |
21-Jun-2021 | D | Pursuant to Regulation 30, 33 and 43 of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, the Board of Directors in its meeting held today i.e. on 21st June, 2021 has inter-alia:
Recommended Final Dividend of Rs. 1.50/- per share (i.e. @ 15% of paid-up equity share capital) for the financial year 2020-21 subject to approval of the shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Final Dividend 2020-21 would be paid within 30 days from the date of its declaration at the AGM. | 16-Sep-2021 | |
11-Feb-2021 | D | (ii) Declared Interim Dividend of Rs. 3.50/- per share (35% of paid-up capital) for the financial year 2020-21. The Interim dividend declared shall be paid on or before 12th March, 2021. | 23-Feb-2021 | |
26-Jun-2020 | D | Outcome of Board Meeting
(ii) Recommended Final Dividend of Rs.1.60/- (Rupees one and sixty paisa only) per share (i.e.16% on the paid-up equity share capital) for the financial year 2019-20 subject to approval of the shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Final dividend 2019-20 would be paid within 30 days from the date of its declaration at the AGM.
2.Final Dividend, if approved at the AGM, will be paid /dispatched on or before 28th October, 2020 to those Members whose names appear on the Company's Register of Members and as per beneficial owners' position received from NSDL & CDSL as at the close of working hours on 22nd September, 2020, the record date.
(As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 04/09/2020) | 21-Sep-2020 | |
10-Feb-2020 | D | Pursuant to Regulation 30, 33 and 43 of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, the Board of Directors in its meeting held today i.e. on 10th February, 2020 has inter-alia:
Declared Interim Dividend of Rs. 9/- per share (90% of paid-up capital) for the financial year 2019-20. The Interim dividend declared shall be paid on or before 10th March, 2020. | 20-Feb-2020 | |
27-May-2019 | D | Oil India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 27, 2019, inter alia, has recommended Final Dividend of Rs. 1.75 (Rupees one and seventy five paisa) per share (i.e. 17.50 % on the paid up equity share capital) for the financial year 2018-19 subject to the approval of the shareholders at the ensuing AGM. The Final Dividend 2018-19 would be paid within 30 days from the date of its declaration at the AGM. | 08-Aug-2019 | |
12-Feb-2019 | D | 1. The Board of Directors of Oil India Limited in its meeting held on 12.02.2019 has inter-alia declared Interim Dividend of Rs. 8.50/- per share of Rs.10/- each (i.e. 85%) for the year 2018-19.
2. The 'Record Date' for determining entitlement for payment of Interim Dividend for the Financial Year 2018-19 is 22.02.2019.
3. Dividend Payment will be completed on and before 13.03.2019. | 21-Feb-2019 | |
28-May-2018 | D | Oil India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 28, 2018, inter alia, have recommended Final Dividend of Re. 1 (one) per share (i.e. 10 % on the paid up equity share capital) for the financial year 2017-18 subject to the approval of the shareholders at the ensuing AGM. The Final Dividend 2017-18 would be paid within 30 days from the date of its declaration at the AGM. | 12-Sep-2018 | |
09-Feb-2018 | D | Oil India Limited has informed the Exchange that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on February 09, 2018 has declared an interim dividend of Rs14 per equity share (face value of Rs 10 per equity share). | 21-Feb-2018 | |
30-May-2017 | D | Oil India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 29, 2017, inter alia, have recommended final Dividend of Rs. 4.75 per share (i.e. 47.50 %) for the financial year 2016-17 subject to the approval of the shareholders in the ensuing AGM.
Sub: Recommendation of Final Dividend 2016-17 | 14-Sep-2017 | |
31-Jan-2017 | D | Oil India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board in its meeting held on January 31, 2017 has inter-alia declared Interim Dividend of Rs. 9.50 per share (i.e. 95 %) for the year 2016-17.
Further, Dividend is payable on and from February 15, 2017. Payment will be completed on and before March 02, 2017. | 13-Feb-2017 | |
27-May-2016 | D | Oil India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 27, 2016, inter alia, have recommended Final Dividend of Rs. 8 per share (i.e. 80%) to the shareholders of the Company for the financial year 2015-16. Dividend is payable after the AGM subject to the approval of the shareholders. | 15-Sep-2016 | |
12-Jan-2016 | D | Oil India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on January 12, 2016, inter alia, has declared Interim Dividend of Rs. 8 per share (i.e. 80%) for the year 2015-16.
Dividend is payable on and from January 21, 2016. Payment will be completed on and before February 10, 2016. | 19-Jan-2016 | |
29-May-2015 | D | Oil India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 29, 2015, inter alia, have recommended Final Dividend @ Rs. 10 per share (i.e. 100%) to the shareholders of the Company for the financial year 2014-15. Dividend is payable after the AGM subject to the approval of the shareholders. | 16-Sep-2015 | |
19-Mar-2015 | D | Oil India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on March 19, 2015, inter alia, has declared Interim Dividend of Rs. 10 per share (i.e. 100%) for the year 2014-15.
Dividend is payable on and from March 26, 2015. Payment will be completed on and before April 17, 2015. | 24-Mar-2015 | |
27-May-2014 | D | Oil India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 27, 2014, inter alia, have recommended Final Dividend @ Rs. 0.50 per share (i.e. 5%) to shareholders of the Company for the financial year
2013-14. Dividend is payable after the AGM subject to the approval of the shareholders. | 18-Sep-2014 | |
21-Mar-2014 | D | Oil India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on March 21, 2014, inter alia, has declared Second Interim Dividend of Rs. 10 per share (i.e. 100%) for the year 2013-14.
Dividend is payable on and from March 28, 2014. Payment will be completed on and before April 19, 2014. | 26-Mar-2014 | |
28-Jan-2014 | D | Oil India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on January 28, 2014, inter alia, has declared Interim Dividend of Rs. 11 per share (i.e. 110%) for the year 2013-14.
Dividend is payable on and from February 05, 2014. Payment will be completed on and before February 25, 2014. | 03-Feb-2014 | |
25-May-2013 | D | Oil India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 25, 2013, inter alia, have recommended Final Dividend @ Rs. 7 per share (i.e. 70%) to the shareholders of the Company for the financial year 2012-13. Dividend is payable after the AGM subject to the approval of the shareholders. | 12-Sep-2013 | |
13-Mar-2013 | D | Oil India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on March 13, 2013, inter alia, has declared Second Interim Dividend of Rs. 12 per share (i.e. 120%) for the year 2012-13.
Dividend is payable on and from March 23, 2013. Payment will be completed on and before April 10, 2013. | 21-Mar-2013 | |
18-Jan-2013 | D | Oil India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on January 18, 2013, inter alia, has declared Interim Dividend of Rs. 11 per share (i.e. 110%) for the year 2012-13.
Dividend is payable on and from January 25, 2013. Payment will be completed on and before February 15, 2013. | 23-Jan-2013 | |
28-May-2012 | D | Oil India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 28, 2012, inter alia, have recommended Final Dividend @ Rs. 5 per share (i.e. 50%) (Post Bonus Issue) to the shareholders of the Company for the financial year 2011-12. Dividend is payable after the AGM subject to the approval of the shareholders. | 06-Sep-2012 | |
11-Feb-2012 | D | Oil India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on February 11, 2012, inter alia, has declared Second Interim Dividend of Rs. 10 per share of face value Rs. 10/- paid up (i.e. 100%) for the financial year 2011-12. | 22-Feb-2012 | |
21-Dec-2011 | D | Oil India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on December 21, 2011, inter alia, has declared an interim dividend of Rs. 25 per share (i.e. 250%) for the year 2011-12. | 03-Jan-2012 | |
30-May-2011 | D | Oil India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 30, 2011, inter alia, recommended a Final Dividend at the rate of Rs. 19.50 per Equity Share of Rs. 10 each amounting t Rs. 468.88 crore excluding dividend tax for the financial year 2010-11, subject to approval of the member in the AGM. This is in addition to Interim Dividend at the rate of Rs. 18.00 per Equity Share amounting to Rs. 432.32 crore already paid. The total of interim and recommended final dividend for the year is Rs. 37.50 per equity share amounting to Rs. 901.70 crore (excluding dividend tax). | 15-Sep-2011 | |
22-Dec-2010 | D | Oil India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on December 22, 2010, has declared an interim dividend of Rs. 18 per share (i.e. 180 %) for the year 2010-11. | 03-Jan-2011 | |
26-May-2010 | D | Oil India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 26, 2010, inter alia, has recommended Final Dividend @ Rs. 16 per share (i.e. 160%) to the shareholders of the Company for the financial year 2009-10, subject to the approval of the shareholders in the ensuing Annual General Meeting. | 16-Sep-2010 | |
30-Jan-2010 | D | Oil India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on January 30, 2010, inter alia, have declared an interim dividend of Rs. 18 per share (i.e. 180%) to the shareholders of the Company for the financial year 2009-10. | 10-Feb-2010 | |
25-Jun-2024 | B | 1:2 Bonus Issue of Equity Shares
Trading Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that, OIL INDIA LTD has fixed Record Date for the purpose of Bonus Issue of Equity Shares of the Company. The transactions in the Equity Shares of the Company would be on an Ex-Bonus basis with effect from the under mentioned date :-
Issue of 01 (One) Bonus Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each for every 02 (Two) existing Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each held.
Ex-Bonus basis from Date & Sett. No.
02/07/2024 DR- 664/2024-2025
(As Per BSE Notice Dated on 25.06.2024) | 02-Jul-2024 | 1:2 |
13-Mar-2018 | B | 1:2 Bonus Issue of Equity Shares
SUB. : - Bonus issue of OIL INDIA LTD. (Scrip Code: 533106)
Trading Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that, OIL INDIA LTD has fixed the record date for the purpose of Bonus Issue. The transactions in the equity shares of the company would be on an ex-bonus basis with effect from the under mentioned date.
OIL INDIA LTD. (533106)
Issue of 01 (One) Bonus equity share of Rs.10/ each fully paid up for every 02 (Two) existing equity share of Rs.10/- each fully paid up held.
Ex-Bonus basis from Date & Sett. No.
27/03/2018 DR-001/2018-2019
Trading Members of the Exchange are requested to take note of it.
(As Per BSE Notice Dated on 23.03.2018) | 29-Mar-2018 | 1:2 |
19-Dec-2016 | B | 1:3 Bonus Issue of Equity Shares
Trading Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that, Oil India Ltd. has fixed the record date for the purpose of Bonus Issue. The transactions in the equity shares of the company would be on an ex-bonus basis with effect from the under mentioned date.
Oil India Ltd.
(533106; 633106)
Issue of 1 (ONE) Bonus equity share for every 3 (THREE) existing equity shares held.
Ex-Bonus basis from Date & Sett. No.
12/01/2017 DR-197/2016-2017
Trading Members of the Exchange are requested to take note of it.
(As Per BSE Notice Dated on 10.01.2017) | 13-Jan-2017 | 1:3 |
22-Mar-2012 | B | SUB. :- Bonus issue of Oil India Ltd. (Scrip Code: 533106)
Trading Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that Oil India Ltd. has fixed the Record Date for the purpose of Bonus Issue. The transactions in the equity shares of the Company should be on an ex-bonus basis with effect from the under mentioned date.
Oil India Ltd.
Issue of 3 (THREE) fully paid up Bonus equity shares of Rs. 10/- each for every 2 (TWO) equity shares of Rs. 10/- each held.
Ex-Bonus basis from Date & Sett. No.
29/03/2012 DR-001/2012-2013
Trading Members of the Exchange are requested to take note of it.
(As Per BSE Notice Dated on 22.03.2012) | 31-Mar-2012 | 3:2 |
05-Nov-2024 | BC | Outcome of Board Meeting
lnterim Dividend of Rs. 3l- per share (30% of paid-up capital) for the financial year 2024-25. The lnterim dividend declared shall be paid on or before 04th December,2024. | 31-Mar-2025 | |
01-Jan-2025 | BC | Change in Directorate of the Company | 01-Jan-2025 | |
18-Dec-2024 | BC | Outcome of Board Meeting | 18-Dec-2024 | |
18-Dec-2024 | BC | Outcome of Board Meeting | 18-Dec-2024 | |
17-Dec-2024 | BC | Appointment of Shri Trailukya Borgohain as Director (Operations), Oil India Limited | 17-Dec-2024 | |