To purchase shares of Alkyl Amines Chemicals Ltd, you must sign up with a good brokerage like Motilal Oswal. The first thing to do after you sign up is to open a demat account online. Then, you can open a trading account linked with your demat account, so you can buy and sell shares on the stock exchange through the services of Motilal Oswal.
Based on the forecast of analysts, an increase in the share price will occur in the long term. If you buy the share and hold it for five years (long-term), the revenue is estimated to be around +109%.
The shares of Alkyl Amines Chemicals Ltd have been quoted on an ex-split basis since May 2021.
For the year that ended March 2022, Alkyl Amines Chemicals Ltd declared and paid a final dividend of Rs. 10 per equity share.