Coffee Day Enterprises Ltd

COFFEEDAY04 Nov 2024
Quick Service Restaurant
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To Invest in Coffee Day Enterprises Ltd
Coffee Day Enterprises Ltd
Quick Service Restaurant
COFFEEDAY04 Nov 2024
0.00 (0.00%)

Coffee Day Enterprises Ltd - Share Price & Details

Traded Volume
Market Cap(Cr)
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P/B Ratio
Traded Value(Cr)
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How to buy Coffee Day Enterprises Ltd shares on nse?

To buy Coffee Day Enterprises Ltd shares in Motilal Oswal, you just need to open a demat account and get your KYC documents verified

What is the Coffee Day Enterprises Ltd share price today?

The Coffee Day Enterprises Ltd shares price on nse is Rs.34.18 today.

What is the market cap of Coffee Day Enterprises Ltd shares on BSE ?

The company has a market capitalization of Rs.722.06Cr

What is the PE & PB ratio of Coffee Day Enterprises Ltd shares ?

PE is 0 and PB is 0.39

What is the 52 Week High and Low of Coffee Day Enterprises Ltd shares?

Coffee Day Enterprises Ltd stock price high: Rs.74.54 Coffee Day Enterprises Ltd stock price low: Rs.28.14

Who are the key executives of Coffee Day Enterprises?

The key executives of Coffee Day Enterprises Ltd are: 

  • Malavika Siddhartha Hegde - Director & Chief Executive Officer
  • R Ram Mohan - Chief Financial Officer
  • S V Ranganath - Interim Chairman & Non-Exe. Director
  • Sadananda Poojary - Company Secretary and Compliance Officer

What is the business segment of Coffee Day Enterprises?

Coffee Day Enterprises Ltd is in the sector of the retail industry of, mainly, coffee chain restaurants/cafes. It also has an integrated vertical coffee business which ranges from the procurement of coffee beans and roasting and processing of coffee beans, to the retail of coffee-based products. The business exists across many formats. 


What is the dividend yield of Coffee Day Enterprises?

The dividend yield of Coffee Day Enterprises Ltd is 0. 

What are the growth prospects for Coffee Day Enterprises?

In 2022, the company did a turnaround and revamped its business with the aim of cost-cutting and driving more revenue. It trimmed down its outlets and vending machines and introduced new products to appeal to consumers. This strategy seemed to have worked, as Coffee Day Enterprises Ltd turned a profit in the last quarter of 2022. Profits were up by 5.77% from the last quarter. This has promoted investor confidence in the enterprise and will lead to future growth.  

What is the EPS of Coffee Day Enterprises?

The EPS of Coffee Day Enterprises Ltd is -17.08. 

 What is the debt-to-equity ratio of Coffee Day Enterprises?

The debt-to-equity ratio of Coffee Day Enterprises Ltd is 0.16 (March 2022). According to the latest reports, it is 0.47.