The price of Westlife Foodworld on BSE is currently ranging between 759-800.
The business of Westlife Foodworld is expected to grow by 15-20% CAGR in the coming five years. Furthermore, the company's stock price is expected to rise in the short term. Hence, investors can consider buying stocks of Westlife Foodworld, but they must do that only after carefully analyzing the financials of the company and their risk appetite.
The market value per share/stock of a company can be calculated by dividing the market value of a company by the total number of its outstanding shares. For instance, the market value of Westlife Foodworld is 12,385 crore, and to find out its current market value per stock, this figure can be divided by the total number of outstanding shares of the company.
As of September 2022, the company’s net debt stood at 1.68 billion. Hence, it does carry debt but uses it reasonably and can therefore manage it without making it a risky affair for the business.
The current price of Westlife Foodworld Ltd. is around 768, and the target price that analysts have set is 833.44 per share for the long term. Therefore, the stock price is expected to rise and generate good shareholder returns.
The company has a solid business plan and aims to grow its sales from 4,000 crore to 4,500 crore by 2027. Moreover, Westlife Foodworld plans to enhance its efficiency by rapidly expanding its network of tech-enabled stores.