HDFC Life has given stock returns of +7.43% in the last three years, and -7.31% in the last year (18 April 2023).
It is impossible to forecast the performance of any stock, including HDFC Life Insurance Company stock, as stock forecasts are made by professional analysts and depend on various factors. In spite of this, any stock forecast may be potentially right or wrong as the price movements of stocks tend to vary in accordance with factors beyond human control.
The highest ever HDFC Life share price was Rs. 747.75 on 17 September 2021.
The price target for 2025 cannot be determined as this is too far into the future to be estimated with accuracy.
The HDFC Life Insurance IPO came out in November 2017, and since then, the company has been listed. Hence, the ROI since 2017 on the stock is 149.20% (17 November 2017 - 21 April 2023).
HDFC Life has given stock returns of +7.43% in the last three years, and -7.31% in the last year (18 April 2023). Additionally, the stock has given a return in the current year (YTD 18 April 2023) of -5.12%.
Having seen the data, investors may make a decision to invest in the stock or not. It should be noted that other values pertaining to the stock should also be considered and these may tell investors about such factors as company financial performance. Besides this, other variables may be at play while determining whether it's wise to invest and these may include market conditions, the state of the economy and competition.
HDFC Life does provide a dividend, both a final and an interim dividend being provided.
The dividend yield of HDFC Life is 0.32.