JSW Steel Ltd

JSWSTEEL08 Nov 2024
+6.80 (+0.69%)
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To Invest in JSW Steel Ltd
JSW Steel Ltd
JSWSTEEL08 Nov 2024
+6.80 (+0.69%)

JSW Steel Ltd - Share Price & Details

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How to buy JSW Steel Ltd shares on nse?

To buy JSW Steel Ltd shares in Motilal Oswal, you just need to open a demat account and get your KYC documents verified

What is the JSW Steel Ltd share price today?

The JSW Steel Ltd shares price on nse is Rs.996.85 today.

What is the market cap of JSW Steel Ltd shares on BSE ?

The company has a market capitalization of Rs.243775.08Cr

What is the PE & PB ratio of JSW Steel Ltd shares ?

PE is 38.43 and PB is 3.12

What is the 52 Week High and Low of JSW Steel Ltd shares?

JSW Steel Ltd stock price high: Rs.1063.35 JSW Steel Ltd stock price low: Rs.745.05

 Is JSW Steel a good investment for the long term?

In the last five years, although the company is nowhere close to competitor Tata Steel in terms of growth of revenue, JSW Steel has had a sound growth prospect, with a CAGR of a little over 17% in the past few years. This is a good stock for the long term. 


How has the JSW Steel stock performed over the past year?

The company has shown gradual, but significant growth, over the past year. 


What is the dividend yield of JSW Steel?

The dividend yield of JSW Steel is 2.60%. 


What are the growth prospects for JSW Steel in the near future?

Like its counterpart, Tata Steel, JSW Steel is a good stock for long-term gains. In the near future, the stock may see some volatility due to market factors, but it’s better as a long-term stock. 


 What is the debt-to-equity ratio of JSW Steel?

The debt-to-equity ratio of JSW Steel is 0.79%. 


What is the revenue and profit trend of JSW Steel over the past few years?

The total revenue of JSW Steel is Rs. 120,749 crores, and the profit trend is on a good path with a net profit up by 154.3% in FY 22. In the past five years, the net profit of JSW has grown by a CAGR of 34.8%. 

How does JSW Steel contribute to India's overall steel production?

Two main contenders are the main contributing members to India’s steel manufacture and production. These companies are JSW Steel and Tata Steel. JSW Steel is a large contributor to India’s steel production in terms of its GDP, and the first company that manufactures highly strengthened and advanced steel products for India’s automotive sector. Additionally, it is India’s largest exporter of steel, shipping the metal to more than 100 nations spread over five continents. 


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